WoT 1.23 Common Test: Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F2

Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F2 (Germany, Tier-5, MT, premium)
Historical reference:
Even before the start of Operation Barbarossa, a decision was made to improve the anti-tank properties of the Pz.Kpfw. IV by installing a 50 mm Kw.K cannon. L/60. However, battles with Soviet T-34 and KV tanks during the summer-autumn campaign of 1941 showed that a much more powerful weapon was required. This became Kw.K. 40 L/43 caliber 75 mm with a characteristic pear-shaped muzzle brake. The armor-piercing shells of this gun could confidently penetrate any production tanks of that period from a distance of over 1.5 km.

10 thoughts on “WoT 1.23 Common Test: Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. F2

  1. “The armor-piercing shells of this gun could confidently penetrate any production tanks of that period from a distance of over 1.5 km.”

    Funny lore considering this is WoT…

    1. The STC of this Pz. IV is the ausf. G. The F2 designation was only use temporarily while it was being developed

  2. well, one thing is for sure: this tank looks really nice! it’s a little pitty, that tier 5 prems are not really THAT useful, but on the other hand they should be rather cheap.

    if the mobility is really even below Pz. IV Schmalturm, that would be a bummer, thoug.

    1. The fun thing about all the low tier prems are the some are even supposed to be upgraded or later versions and yet somehow they use the engine the Pz IV A used….

  3. Of all the crap that has been showing up…..This is the only thing that I kinda like. TOO BAD, tier V is irrelevant (no battle pass points). And did I hear this thing has worse mobility than the PZ IVs ? That sounds like they are trying to kill it before it even gets going. Sigh…….

    1. Yes, too bad it starts from tier VI. But you can also earn battle pass points with tier V (event with tier IV) by completing the daily missions.

  4. Slightly worse shell velocity, 1/2 the ammo count, slightly worse turret traverse, worse frontal armour (50 vs 90mm), worse side armour (no spaced armour. Btw, all those track links are cosmetic only) but better HP, worse reverse speed, worse HP/ton, but slightly better terrain resistance value resulting in a slightly worse mobility, slightly worse camo values but 10 metres more viewrange than the AusF. H with a 75mm: that looks like a premium/reward tank balanced as it should be. It looks great, too.

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