WoT Supertest: A7E3 Changes

A7E3 (Great Britain, Tier-3, LT, premium)
• Cost of repairing tank: from 880 to 990 credits
• Gun loading: from 2.97 to 2.88 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 20.19 to 20.86

• Aiming time: from 1.63 to 1.53 sec
• Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.36 to 0.35
• Dispersion during turret rotation (max.): from 0.16 (6.34) to 0.14 (5.55)
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) projectile: from 75 to 78 mm
• Armor penetration of 1 (AP) projectile at 500m: from 60 to 66 mm
• Average damage per minute with 1 (AP) projectile: from 1,009 to 1,043
• Cost of 1 (AP) projectile: from 25 to 30 credits
• Armor penetration of 2 (APCR) shells: from 120 to 121 mm
• Armor penetration of 2 (APCR) projectiles at 500m: from 103 to 104 mm
• Average damage per minute 2 (APCR) projectile: from 1,009 to 1,043
• Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 1,211 to 1,252
• Tank durability/HP: from 400 to 450

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