VK 75.01 (K) Offers: ->EU, NA, ASIA

VK 75.01 (K) , a Tier VIII German heavy, is a true athlete and a dependable team player. Boasting a massive profile, an incredibly robust upper hull, and formidable side armor, it fearlessly engages in combat. Thanks to its rear-mounted armament, this tank has great damage of 490/490/630 HP, boasting impressive armor penetration at 226/263/65 mm. It prefers confrontations to peaceful resolutions, making it a formidable opponent on the battlefield that’s capable of dishing out 1,651 HP/min.
i have them both
avoid with the cost of your life
AMBT’s main letdown is the shit gun handling and aimtime (seriously, WG balances tanks through these as well as gold ammo), it is otherwise a good tank.
VK on the other hand is pos in the gold ammo meta, it would’ve worked five-six years ago.
Agree on VK have to fight it for a good game, but I can clean up with AMBT…
We don’t need you two try hards advising us on what’s good or bad lmao
tryhards because?
Because it’s a cheap insult, in this case used incorrectly too.