WoT: Your Guide to the New KJPZ TIII Jäger, Object 283, and Jagdtiger Prototype

We need your help! The legendary Blitzträgers have returned, and you’ll need all the knowledge and battle expertise you can muster to bring these beasts down. Epic rewards await the most fearsome commanders during Waffenträger: Projekt Hyperion—including three brand-new vehicles: the KJPZ TIII Jäger, the Object 283, and the Jagdtiger Prototype.

We’ve prepared a few tips and tricks to help you get the most out of these new additions to the game. Read on below, then go berserk on the battlefield and maximize your earnings from Waffenträger: Projekt Hyperion!


The IXKJPZ TIII Jäger is a nimble mobile sniper with great gun handling and accuracy. Similar in appearance and layout to the Waffenträger auf Pz. IV and the Grille 15, already in the game, this TD also shares similar characteristics to them. The Jäger doesn’t boast any significant armor, but more than makes up for it with impressive shooting capabilities and swift mobility.

  • Firepower

The KJPZ TIII Jäger packs a 120 mm caliber gun. It may not be the largest for a Tier IX tank destroyer, but this punchy German dishes out 420 HP of damage per shot and has a swift aim time of just 1.6 seconds. Its dispersion at 100 m doesn’t exceed 0.28 m, and, combined with the lightning speed of its shells and the high penetration of both its standard and special shells, this means only one thing: you won’t fire too often, but when you do, you’ll fire very accurately and at any targets.

Having a turret is definitely an advantage. The firing arc of 60 degrees coupled with high accuracy allows you to scan the entire flank for targets and react to spotted opponents momentarily without having to aim or expose yourself hastily. Roll out and penetrate enemies deep with 258/298/65 mm average penetration.

  • Survivability

This vehicle’s excellent mobility is matched by a drawback in its 30/30/30 mm hull armor. The most effective tactic is to keep your distance to avoid being spotted. In the battle’s opening minutes, it’s best to fire at targets spotted by allied light tanks and shoot down enemy scouts thanks to this vehicle’s high shell velocity, low dispersion, and quick aiming. Then, depending on how the battle unfolds, you should support medium or heavy tanks while changing flanks or positions if required, and move forward to finish off the remaining enemy vehicles at the end of the battle—your mobility will allow you to do so.

  • Mobility

Due to its lack of thick armor plates, this tank destroyer has a good, almost medium tank-like specific power of 17.1 hp/t and a top speed of 45 km/h forward and 18 km/h in reverse. Such mobility allows the vehicle to quickly occupy key positions at the start of battle or retreat to far lines in case of possible enemy breakthroughs on the frontline.

It also provides an advantage in positional skirmishes. High forward and reverse speed lets you switch cover quickly or abandon a position when spotted.


Check out the setup below to get the most out of your vehicle. For more information on these and other pieces of equipment, please see our complete guide.

Gun Rammer

Coated Optics

Crew Perks

Check out the setup below to get the most out of your tank crew. Please see our guide for complete details.


Situational Awareness

Brothers in Arms


Snap Shot

Brothers in Arms


Smooth Ride

Brothers in Arms


Object 283
Object 283

The IXObject 283 is a reward Tier IX rear-turreted Soviet medium tank with a high 360/360/480 DPM. This tank has an unusual layout for a medium tank with rear turret placement. Despite its similarities to the branch of Soviet sniper medium tanks with the K-91 up top, its characteristics are closer to those of the Object 430. It has strong front hull and turret armor and impressive thick sides strengthened with screens.

  • Firepower

Firepower-wise, the Object 283 is armed with a handy 100 mm gun that boasts a damage per shot of 360 HP—unusual for such a caliber. Its accuracy (0.38 dispersion at 100 m), 2.5 s aim time, and 9.4 s reload time are not outstanding, but they’re nothing that will put you at a disadvantage.

  • Survivability

The main feature of the Object 283—the rear placement of its turret—is both a drawback and an advantage. Of course, with such a hull layout, the engine compartment is always the first to get hit when the tank is penetrated from the front. That said, this layout and good armor allow for easier use of the surrounding environment to sidescrape. This medium tank confidently blocks damage from same-tier vehicles and fights almost on par with Tier Xs.

  • Mobility
The vehicle has average mobility compared to other well-armored Soviet medium tanks. It accelerates up to 50 km/h forward and 18 km/h in reverse with a specific power of 18 hp/t. Such values let you effectively rock back and forth, preventing the enemy from aiming at the few small weak areas on the hull and turret. This style of play is also supported by good dispersion on the move and hull traverse.


Check out the setup below to get the most out of your vehicle. For more information on these and other pieces of equipment, please see our complete guide.

Gun Rammer

Improved Hardening

Crew Perks

Check out the setup below to get the most out of your tank crew. Please see our guide for complete details.


Situational Awareness

Brothers in Arms


Snap Shot

Brothers in Arms


Smooth Ride

Brothers in Arms


Adrenaline Rush

Brothers in Arms


Jagdtiger Prototype
Jagdtiger Prototype

The VIIIJagdtiger Prototype wields a powerful 128 mm gun. This modification of the Jagdtiger is equipped with the 12.8 cm Pak 44/1 L/55 gun. The general concept of the vehicle is the same as its more powerful version: unimpeded destruction of enemy vehicles with the help of its excellent gun.

  • Firepower

The 12.8 cm Pak 44/1 L/55 offers something to please fans of powerful guns. Its standard shell penetrates 246 mm of armor, while its special APCR shell penetrates 311 mm of armor. With a gun depression of −7.5° and 40 shells, this gun can significantly affect the course of any battle. Its average damage per minute of 2,200 HP and 490/490/630 HP of damage per shot, decent for a Tier VIII vehicle, will not go unnoticed by any opponents.

  • Survivability

The Jagdtiger Prototype has excellent durability of 1,600 HP—one of the best values in its tier. The 250 mm of armor in its cabin, combined with wise use of cover, will make it much harder for the enemy to destroy your vehicle. The vehicle’s hull armor is not the best, and it has weak upper and lower glacis plates that should be exposed as little as possible. The view range of 370 m is clearly not outstanding, but it won’t cause any discomfort if you use the correct equipment and crew perks.

  • Mobility

The 38 km/h top speed is an excellent parameter for such a big vehicle, and its good maneuverability makes it even more comfortable to drive. The Jagdtiger Prototype’s mobility lets it make it to a clash between heavy vehicles in time.


Check out the setup below to get the most out of your vehicle. For more information on these and other pieces of equipment, please see our complete guide.

Gun Rammer

Coated Optics

Crew Perks

Check out the setup below to get the most out of your tank crew. Please see our guide for complete details.


Eagle Eye

Brothers in Arms


Brothers in Arms

Off-Road Driving

Brothers in Arms

Situational Awareness

Brothers in Arms

Safe Stowage

Brothers in Arms

Adrenaline Rush

Brothers in Arms

How to Get the Vehicles

Unlock Engineer’s Starters by completing Waffenträger: Projekt Hyperion event missions in the Blitzträger auf E 110, and defeating the rare Blitzträger auf E 220. Use these Starters to activate the Engineer’s Gate, which may drop in-game items from four different categories. One of these categories features Premium and reward vehicles, including the KJPZ TIII Jäger, the Object 283, and the Jagdtiger Prototype.

You can also get Engineer’s Starters for completing certain Progression milestones, or for free in special Premium Shop bundles. For a full breakdown of the mechanics, check out the event guide.

Activate the Engineer’s Gate before October 9 at 10:00 CEST (UTC+2) for your chance to add the KJPZ TIII Jäger, Object 283, and Jagdtiger Prototype to your collection, and check out our insights and tips to get the most out of these new vehicles!

Roll Out!

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