WoT Supertest: Object 452K Changes

Object 452K (USSR, Tier-10, HT, promotional)

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• Gun loading: from 14.38 to 13.42 sec
• Gun rate of fire: from 4.17 to 4.47
• Accuracy at 100 m: from 0.38 to 0.36
• Dispersion during turret traverse (max.): 0.14 (2.92) to 0.08 (1.67)
• Average damage per minute 1 (AP) projectile: from 2 336 to 2 503
• Average damage per minute 2 (HEAT) projectile: from 2336 to 2503
• Average damage per minute 3 (HE) projectile: from 2,920 to 3,129

7 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Object 452K Changes

  1. Hmm, 0.38 base accuracy, 2.4k base DPM for 560 alpha? Also massive gun stabilization buff.
    This thing slowly but surely becomes concerning.
    A bit more buff and they can fck up super hard with this thing if they sell it for huge amount of money like the Assembly Shop tanks, because they cannot nerf it afterwards.
    But we can only hope that they’ve learned something from the AMX M4 54 incident.

    1. Agree with you, tier X reward heavies (especially soviet ones) shouldn’t be as good! And remember that insane camo! Which might be a mistake, but might be a plan as well!

      1. The camo even though is quite absurd, it doesn’t matter since it’s not high enough to do anything crazy. You’ll get outspotted by anything apart HTs trying to play with bushes.
        But HTs don’t play with bushes anyway, so all the tanks you’ll have to deal with when trying to play with bushes are LTs, MTs, and TDs. And pretty much all of those tanks have better camo than you.
        Abnormal numbers, but make zero difference.

        1. I disagree with you! If you are a weirdo – train camo on your crew and use exhaust (of course, you will paint your vehicle, have BiA and food), you can get to 43%/26% camo values (with bounty exhaust the values are 46%/29%). It’s a weird build, I know, but I think it would be worth giving it a go for the sake of variety. If I were to do this, I’d have my equipment setups like this:
          – For open maps: either Vents/Rammer/Exhaust, or Rammer/Turbo/Exhaust;
          – For city maps: either Hardening/Vents/Rammer, or Hardening/V.Stabs/Rammer.

          References for the camo values (Obj. 452K has roughly the same stationary camo as K-91 and camo on the move as Cent. AX):
          Standard Exhaust:

          Bounty Exhaust:

          1. So you have no idea that the Bounty Exhaust only gives 5% camo when you put it on a HT, and you also have no idea that paint only gives only 2% camo on a HT.
            What does this mean? This means -10% camo to your “calculation” instantly -> Only 19% camo when moving, because Exhaust is simply not worth to put on a HT, and also -1% to the paint camo.
            Consider its role: Assault HT, it doesn’t get the +4 top speed Field Mod -> Turbo needed.
            So, Turbo + Rammer + Hardening or V.Stab if the stab stats are bad -> ~450m viewrange with everything on.
            What kind of tanks are you going to outspot with 19% camo & 450m viewrange?
            I don’t even take its mobility into consideration, which doesn’t allow it to take early positions.
            In certain situations, this camo value can make a bit of difference, for example: in Redshire, you might be able to use some bushes if you decide to leave the HT flank and let your teammates fight outnumbered.
            These cases are very uncommon, and you need to have a 7-skill crew in order to have the privilege of getting this camo number on a HT.
            Yeah, your idea doesn’t look very promising, unfortunately.

            1. I didn’t know about the reduced bonus to the conealment of a HT with exhaust, my bad. So yes, this won’t work (still, it would’ve been interesting). I guess WG will simply bring the camo values to normal levels.

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