WoT: “War Elephant” 2D Style

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“War Elephant” –
The gray-blue eyes of the old war elephant looked into the distance. His whole body was covered with scars reminiscent of past battles, rage seethed in his heart, his ears rang from the roar of weapons and battle cries, and he understood that the wars had left no room for goodness and justice in him. This beast has been trained since childhood. They trained in such a way that only the scarlet euphoria of a fierce battle became the meaning of life. And here he was again at the forefront. Armored in massive gold plated armor and ready to do what he does best: TRAMPLE!

For all regions, drawn by WG.
Non-historical. Can only be installed on vehicles of tier 8-10. Group: Special. price: 750 gold. ID: 835.

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