WoT Supertest: Object 452K In-Game Screenshots

Object 452K (USSR, Tier-10, HT, promotional)

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6 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Object 452K In-Game Screenshots

  1. Its russian, so of course not.
    And if it does, they’ll buff the armour thickness so it’ll only be penned/overmatched by 127mm+ calibre guns or some such, like they did with the BZ-176.

  2. It looks like it’ll have the same issues as the 780, can’t side scrape and gets demolished by heat, still neato tho and the tank does look pretty good visually

    1. Who said the 780 can’t sidescrape?
      Not all tanks need to sidescrape at 20* degrees, the 780 can do that with only 12-15.
      You can even lower the sidescraping angle based on distance to increases its shoulders’ effectiveness since the tank can afford to expose a bit of its small LFP.

  3. My guess this is the new clan wars reward tank or its the 3rd campaign reward . They said after they nerf chief and 279e they will release a 3rd set of personal campaign missions .

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