World of Tanks marks its Anniversary and invites all to the celebration! Get yourselves as many presents as you can and have lots of fun at the party!
During this game event, you can receive an additional reward by:
- Logging in to the game website.
- Clicking the “GET REWARD!” button.
- Opening the game client to claim your reward!
Ok I’ll bite. Links don’t work, came back 12 hrs later still don’t work. An explanation is in order. Not right day? Will announce later but put page up anyway? Job given to new guy and he FUBAR it?
Sorry, I just noticed that at the moment, only the links for an actual ongoing event work, so for example on the official WG Roadmap Highlights page you can claim a “Reward” only from the “Roadmap Highlights: July” tab at the moment.
@merle the only new person here is you.
Your the new Muppet who things anything made by WG will actually work 😂
I hope there will be equipments/consumables discount – I need them badly and have many credits in stock!
went to game portal get rweard button unclickable not even get info button
edit it seems only first event clickable
Clicked 5 boxes and gave me some french emblems and decals. Came back day after and it doesnt record the ones from day before. So picked another set of 5 boxes and got more french emblems and decals. Seems to be the same things each day
Looks like we might get a free tier 6 French light tank for this year