WoT Supertest: Type 63 Changes | Second Iteration

Type 63 (Japan, Tier-8, HT, premium, automatic hydropneumatic suspension, gun cooling)

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• Gun loading: from 10.50 to 12.70 sec
• Rate of fire: from 5.71 to 4.72
• Aiming time: from 2.40 to 2.68 sec
• Cooling of the gun after firing: from 13.56 sec to 15.98 sec
• Dispersion during turret traverse (max.): 0.16 (4.17) to 0.12 (3.13)
• Average damage per minute of 1 (AP) projectile: from 2,057 to 1,701
• Average damage per minute 2 (HEAT) projectile: from 2057 to 1701
• Average damage per minute of 3 (HE) projectile: from 2,514 to 2,079

12 thoughts on “WoT Supertest: Type 63 Changes | Second Iteration

  1. I think the DPM nerf is a good one, since this tank is supposed to be a sniper, not a toe-to-toe brawler. But I don’t get the aim time nerf – I think it was ok as it was – 2.4s is what a sniper-like heavy should aim for (not like * cough * KPz 07 PE * cough * 1.6s aim time).

    1. To be fair kpz is a 1: tier 10 and 2: it’s accuracy and aim time is one of the main things about it that is good if it didn’t have that I don’t know if it would be even good. (At tier 10)

  2. i for one don’t get the DPM nerf…… why do all new tanks have to have below 2k DPM, being a 105 and having the same aimtime as most russian 122mm’s doesn’t really encurage one to play nor buy it.

    1. Perhaps they finally started understanding that they’ve made a design judgment error in that past few years regarding the “balance triangle” (firepower, mobility, survivability) of past recent TT & Premium tanks.

      Problem 1 that then arises is, player complaining about a tank being weaker, while it is actually more balanced than a lot of previously released content. Which those complainers don’t, won’t or fail to perceive.
      Problem 2, if they do not address this previous content that is off balance (too strong, or too weak, in the big picture of balance) players will keep whining why new tank A or B is not as good as older tank C or D.
      Problem 3, if enough complainers keep whining about that a tank being too weak, well see what has happened to this game’s balance between the years 2017 and 2022. Only this year, arguably last year, WG started shifting previous years design philosophy a bit.


  3. I think they’re gonna struggle to get a good balance with the cooling mechanic. Should just stick to giving them hydropneumatic suspension as the gimmick

  4. I know it’s still on ST and will most likely change again in the future. That being said, the overall stats went from average to mediocre at best, especially in the current context of 15-5 3 mins curbstomp games. With such an abysmal dpm, this vehicle will not be able to defend itself against the countless tanks that boasts either a high alpha gun, or an autoloader.

    WG should just drop the idea of a cooling mechanic as it adds nothing new of value aside from more confusion and promotes camping & sniping, which is always laughable for heavies. Hydropneumatic suspension and 14 degrees of gun depression is novel enough for a heavy tank as far as I’m concerned. Keep the original dpm and just give the gun incredible accuracy. Even with 10-11s of reload and 0.28 accuracy, the tank would still be average, thanks to its subpar mobility and debatable armor model.

    1. WoT is now getting to WoWs’ levels of gimmickry. Just friggin’ introduce Tier 11-12 already; though I suppose that would impact WG’s new tank game.

    2. Look at it this way – the tank struggles to fight at mid-close range due to the lack of armour and DPM (look at the French autoloader HT, do they seem competitive to you?), and at long range it is of very questionable value since it’s a heavy tank. Imagine you get a laser pointer and the other side gets a Skoda, cool they have a strong frontline pusher and you have… dunno, a fat medium with terrible reload speed?

      Type 63 is a good tank, it’s the game that is broken and in bad need of a major overhaul. But go tell that to the dollar smokers in Cyprus.

  5. I’m seeing a different balancing on rykoszet; 2k dpm but 320 alpha. So did they change their minds on this iteration already, is rykoszet wrong, or could they even be testing two different iterations side-by-side? This makes it hard to keep track of things for me, especially since I love Japanese tanks. :/

    1. I hope the 320 alpha iteration is correct, this one with nerfed DPM and aim time stinks harder than my unwashed socks.

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