World of Tanks’ 13th Birthday Gift

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According to WOT Express, in August the AMX 13 (FL 11) [France, Tier-5, LT premium] will be given as a gift for completing simple Anniversary Missions.

10 thoughts on “World of Tanks’ 13th Birthday Gift

      1. Some people are hopeless, they would complain even if the only task required of them was to manually log into the game to claim the prize.

    1. this is just a prototype AMX 13, which means it has the EBR 90 turret but the ELC Bis gun if i’m not wrong

      1. Uh, no, not at all. It’s a version of the AMX 13 meant to replace stuff like the chaffee in Indochina where the autoloading FL10 turret an longer gun were not only unneeded but disadvantageous.

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