WoT NA: Treasure Trove Quest

Tankers, Want to know what’s hidden in the vault? Complete tasks, collect Access Keys, and unlock rewards from the Treasure Trove Quest vault! North and Latin America World of Tanks players may register for participation by signing into their World of Tanks accounts and pressing the “Start Quest” button on http://treasure-trove.wargaming.net/?utm_source=discord&utm_medium=social

Participation is possible from 10 July 2023 through 11 August 2023.

Treasure Trove Quest is now available for NA servers only but might come later for EU servers.

4 thoughts on “WoT NA: Treasure Trove Quest

  1. I didn’t pay anything and i won a 30 day prem, 1 day prem, Personal Reserves: +50% to XP for 1 hour
    ×5 Personal Reserves, and Premium vehicle: Tier VII IS-2M
    IS-2M – Soviet heavy tank.. You also had 5 missions to finish and thats a bug for customer srvice to fix..
    I finshed all 5 and i still doidn’;t get a key to open vault to see waht i won. ! mission is to spend 500 gold and another mission is to have a friend accept referral program.

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