WoT CT 1.20.1: Battle Pass – Collections Tab Music

A separate track was recorded for the new tab in the Battle Pass section – “Collections”, which will appear as a feature with the release of April update 1.20.1.

Battle Pass Collection

The Battle Pass Collection brings together certain Base and Improved Rewards (e.g., crew members, progressive and 2D styles, and decals) that you get as you advance through the Season’s Progression. To assemble the Collection, complete Battle Pass in the usual manner—you will get all the elements automatically.

Assembling the current Season’s Collection will earn you extra Battle Pass Tokens (up to three per Season). You will also be able to unlock the backstories of the Season’s heroes.

If you don’t manage to complete the Collection in the current Season, you will be able to do so in the following Seasons by purchasing the missing elements with Battle Pass Points. However, you will only receive Tokens for the current active Season.

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