Battle Pass: Judgement Day has officially launched, running until 26 January 2022!
In two weeks, you need to complete 50 stages of progression. The unique 🇺🇸T-832 tank with a 3D style is available at stage 50 of the Improved Progression.
Special event packs that can be purchased with gold:
Skynet Fighter, 5000 gold:
• Commander Sarah Connor with a unique voice acting
• 2D-style “Step into Eternity”
• 6 “Mother of the Year” decals
• 20 personal reserves: +50% to credits for 1 hour
Perfect Weapon, 3000 gold:
• T-1000 Commander with unique voice acting
• 500 bonds
• 25 combat missions for ×5 experience
- Packages are bought for gold and only in the in-game store (Store ==> Best).
when I look at the description of the T-1000 offer in-game I see no mention of the 500 bonds. Are they to be earned through missions you get?
No you have to pay 3000 gold
Learn to read
You are dumb as shit!