Put on your shades and take a glimpse at the shining events that you won’t want to miss in the coming month, including International Cat Day and the chance to get feline customizations, massive celebrations for the 12th anniversary of World of Tanks, epic clashes in Frontline, and much more!
From August 5 through September 5 – Top of the Tree
From August 5 through August 9 – International Cat Day
From August 12 through August 22 – World of Tanks Birthday
From August 12 through August 14 – Arcade Cabinet
From August 15 through October 14 – New Twitch Drops Shop / Monthly Twitch Drops
From August 15 through August 19 – ×2 XP Specials
From August 19 through August 22 – ×5 XP Specials
On August 18 August 19 – WoT7 Finals
From August 20 through August 29 – Frontline
From August 26 through August 29 – Weekend Challenge
Top of the Tree
Take advantage of two new Top of the Tree specials starting at the same time. Enjoy more vehicles, more discounts, and more rewards all month long.
Support your team with the fast-firing and mobile
AMX 50 B atop the French heavy line.
Wreak havoc in the devastating and almost-impenetrable
T110E3 at the crest of the American tank destroyer line.
International Cat Day
Pounce on this “purrfect” special to celebrate man’s feline friends, and complete missions for cat-themed decals and camouflages.
Lucy Decal
World of Tanks Birthday
Celebrate the 12th anniversary of your favorite tank game with discounts, missions, a themed temporary Garage, and other birthday surprises!
Better Elite XP to Free XP Conversion
Arcade Cabinet
Experience a new way to play with the final iteration of Arcade Cabinet. In the third launch, you’ll immerse yourself in tranquility and peace with modifiers that make your battles more leisurely.
Monthly Twitch Drops
Get the rewards you want through a fixed set of four Twitch Drops campaigns, with new missions every Monday and weekend missions every Friday. Earn tokens by watching the official World of Tanks channels and participating streams, and customize your rewards in the Twitch Drops Store. Spend your tokens right away for useful in-game perks, or save up for fantastic prizes, including 2D styles and Premium vehicles!
×2 and ×5 XP Specials
From August 15: Heaps of XP are coming your way with double XP for wins in Tier IV–X vehicles. Go out and research new Tech Tree vehicles and vehicle modules!
From August 19: Earn even more XP with a daily ×5 XP bonus for the first win.
WoT7 Finals
Tune in to the Official English World of Tanks Twitch channel to watch thrilling battles in the WoT7 Finals Streams and earn Twitch Drops. Drops will be enabled for guaranteed rewards the longer you watch.
Frontline returns for its second launch of 2022! Engage in epic, same-tier 30v30 battles and earn top rewards, including bonds, with one of the most exciting modes in World of Tanks.
Weekend Challenge
Complete repeatable weekend challenge missions to earn large consumables.
Large Repair Kits
Dates are wrong.
Frontline never runs two weekends.
This is a straight rip from WoT’s official website, those ARE the correct dates.
Haha and you think wot get anything ever correct you idiot
Well, at least there is an upcoming experience conversion discount – so thanks for that.