WoWS: Changes to test ships – 0.11.6 Closed testing

Based on testing results, we’re applying changes to Clausewitz, Dalarna, Álvaro de Bazán and Anhalt. The changes will hit the live server on July 27.

German Supercruiser Clausewitz

  • Main battery reload time increased: 9.6 to 10.5 s.

European Superdestroyer Dalarna

  • Maximum alternative torpedo damage increased: 14400 to 17500;
    • Chance to cause flooding increased: 240% to 296%.

Spanish destroyer Álvaro de Bazán, Tier X

  • Main battery reload time reduced: 8 to 7 s;
  • Burst fire reload time reduced: 40 to 35 s;
  • Interval between individual shots reduced: 2 to 1.2 s.

German battleship Anhalt, Tier VIII

  • Maximum AP shell damage reduced: 10,500 to 9,500.

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary. Announced adjustments and features may change multiple times during testing.

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