A new event will be hitting the Global Map from July 18 at 10:00 CEST through August 01 at 10:00 CEST (UTC+2). Once again, Iron Age will pit clan against clan in epic battles for provinces, resources, and the ultimate rewards.
Any clan with enough members to participate in 15v15 battles with Tier X vehicles can take part and try to get their cut of the epic rewards. A total of 4,200,000, 9,000 reward vehicles, bonds, and exclusive styles are on the line, so don’t miss out!
We spoke with several high-ranking clan members who have successfully powered through clan events in the past. These members were kind enough to share their insights, tips, and helpful advice on how to successfully conquer the Global Map.
Thank you to sakalito, who has commanded the CS Army clan for five years. CSA constantly places among the top 5, and has a personal best of 2nd place.
Thank you to Keyhand. Over the years, he has participated in a number of clans, including OM/OMNI, GO-IN, FAME, and MEME. Keyhand has won multiple campaigns as a player and a planner for GO-IN and FAME.
Finally, thank you to DeanAmbrose, who has acted as the global map planner for INVIL for almost 2 years. Over his career with INVIL, the clan has managed to win the Confrontation campaign and a few Global Map seasons.
How can a clan prepare for an event like Iron Age?
It’s important for the clan management to familiarize themselves with the rules of the Global Map event ahead of time. Officers and key personnel should be promoted or demoted based on their involvement. And most importantly, everyone should know their role and should be aware of what they’re signing up for. This means deciding on the amount of time needed for event management and setting realistic expectations regarding playtime, rewards, and placement at the end of the campaign. These decisions should be clearly communicated to all other players as well.
Iron Age Reward Vehicles:
Especially for casual or beginner clans, it is essential to have 1 or 2 people who know the Global Map and campaign rules, and can coordinate their teams. If you are unsure about how to get started or could use some initial guidance, reach out to officers from more experienced clans. Join their Teamspeak server, follow streamers on Twitch, or check the Leaderboard. Chances are they’ll be happy to give you a basic briefing.
But above all, set aside enough time to play.
What should each individual player have prepared (Tanks, Field Modifications, etc.)?
Players who want to participate in a Global Map event should try to specialize in certain vehicle types ahead of time and prepare them for battle. This means fully upgrading Field Modifications and adding modules that fit both your playstyle and the maps you will encounter.
Recommended vehicles:
Light Tanks: | Tank Destroyers: |
Medium Tanks: | Reward Vehicles: |
Heavy Tanks: |
Additionally, you should have enough credits in reserve to restock and maintain your vehicles for the duration of the event. Usually, a few million credits will be enough to ensure that you can go all out when it matters most.
How much time should players put aside for an event like Iron Age?
It depends on the role you’re taking and how involved you want to be in the event. Clan members with more significant responsibilities, like planners or field commanders, typically spend a few hours ahead of the event and on each playday setting up teams, preparing battle tactics and strategies, and coaching regular players if needed.
Regular players should typically be available from the start of the evening (19:00 CEST (UTC+2)) to the last battle of the day. Remember, the last rollout can take place around 0:45 CEST (UTC+2). Therefore, every player should inform their clan leadership about their availability to ensure that enough players are ready for battle.
Of course, the more battles you can join, the better. That way, you’ll be able to collect more Personal Fame points and support your clan.
How do the first days of an event typically go? Is it important to get off to a good start?
- The first few days can be considered warm-up days. The participating clans are scrambling for good positions, trying to secure provinces with good bonuses, and collecting access tokens to the Advanced and Elite fronts.
- As a planner, try to strike a balance between scheduling enough battles to keep your players busy and avoiding scheduling matches that cannot be filled and accidentally incurring unnecessary penalty points.
- Clans have not yet researched the technology “
Increased bonus for winning against an opponent that has more clan Fame Points,” meaning that even in the event of a loss, you won’t lose as many points.
- It’s also best to specialize in a few (max. 10) maps, instead of applying to play everywhere. Learn the layout, key points, and strategies for maps on which your team feels most comfortable in order to increase your win rate and earn more points.
- While a strong start is a good foundation, a clan’s placement in an event is usually decided during the second half. Don’t get discouraged if you aren’t off to a great start. Clans might drop out of the race, opening up more possibilities for you.
Are there any golden rules that clans should follow during an event?
- As a clan leader or planner, always have battles in reserve for your players. You cannot expect to win every game, so you might get kicked out of a fight for a province without any more battles for the day.
- As a regular player, focus on the number of battles you can play and remember that you are one of thousands of players. Don’t ask for Fame Points during the early days. Wait for the leadership team to invite you to join battles; don’t force yourself in. Trust the leadership team’s decisions and give them credit for their hard work.
- If you want to earn one of the highly desired reward tanks, spend as much time as possible on the event and be available to support your clan.
Are there any key strategies for using Fame Points, Experimental Modules, the Laboratory, or other unique Global Map features?
- Make sure you are very familiar with the special features and mechanics, and clearly understand how they can affect the event’s progress. This will already give you an advantage over your competition.
- Weigh investments against their expected return, and only pick the ones that seem most profitable for you and your clan. The Laboratory requires a lot of points, so make sure you research technologies that will benefit your overall strategy.
- Use experimental modules against weaker clans in battles that you have a higher chance of winning, so you don’t waste them.
- If you are not as interested in clan placement, focus on collecting Personal Fame points through bids on the Advanced front.
- Use province bonuses to your advantage, especially if your clan is on the smaller side. Buy the cheaper ones and then decide which way to progress.
Global Map events are a great way to earn rewards, put your strength to the test, make friends and foes, and, most importantly, have a lot of fun.
We hope this peek behind the curtain encourages you and your clan to join the new Iron Age event. It might seem intimidating, but remember that even the biggest clans had to start somewhere. All you need is teamwork, the right strategy, and a bit of good fortune.
Good luck with the Iron Age event on the Global Map!