EU Supertest: Reward System

Seb: Surprisingly, the EU supertesters are competent, and they know what to do. The supertest is finally in good hands and there is hope for the future, it seems.

Probably many of you have wondered what the Supertest reward system looks like on the EU server. Below I present an excerpt from a closed forum for WoT Supertesters (Source:

Testers who meet the conditions set out in the regulations are entitled to special vehicles that will be added to their accounts.

For 30 points earned by testing the content of the game as a Supertest participant, the tester will receive the T-44-122, a Soviet tier VII premium vehicle for rental for a period of 180 days. Only after 90, 180 and more days of active participation (so-called “internship”), the player will receive it permanently.

For each year spent in the World of Tanks Supertest, testers will receive anniversary rewards (“Well-deserved Rewards”), which are as follows:

1 Year of service = 10,000 gold or vehicle;
Two Years of Service + Promotion / Commitment = 10,000 Gold or Vehicle + AE Phase I (if not owned);
Three Years of Service + Promotion / Commitment = 10,000 Gold or Vehicle + AE Phase I (if not owned) + World of Tanks Premium Account: 30 days + Tier VII Reward Tank;
Four years of service + Promotion / Commitment = 10,000 gold or vehicle + AE Phase I (if not equipped) + World of Tanks Premium Account: 30 days + Tier VII and VIII reward tank;
Five years of service and more + Promotion / Commitment = 10,000 gold or vehicle + AE Phase I (if not equipped) + World of Tanks Premium Account: 30 days + Reward tank VII, VIII and X tier.

Upon reaching five or more years of service:

45 pieces of “Supertest Veteran” camouflage;

  • 30 “Supertest Veteran” emblems;
  • In addition to the vehicles available for 1-4 years, testers with an advanced degree or higher may hold one of the following vehicles:
    • M60;
    • VK 72.01 (K);
    • Object 907;
    • T95E6;
    • 121B;
    • T95/FV4201 Chieftain;
    • Carro da Combattimento 45t.

Only one vehicle of this type may be awarded per year. The award of these vehicles will result in the deduction of 5,000 bonds.

You can only get one vehicle per month.

Earning award tanks and the T-44-122 does not block the possibility of receiving tanks for accumulated points;
Tanks such as the ISU-122S, Cromwell B, T-34-85 Rudy, IS-2 and M4A3E8 Thunderbolt VII will be added with a 100% Trained Crew with the perk Brothers in Arms;
Instead of the ISU-122S, Cromwell B, T-34-85 Rudy, IS-2, AMX 13 57 GF, M4A3E8 Thunderbolt VII, Rheinmetall Skorpion G, Object 252U and Object 252U Defender vehicles, you can choose the equivalent reward of 10,000 gold .

Breakdown of participants:

Junior Tester (Participation: 0 days, Points: 0):

The earned points can be exchanged for gold;
Personal reserves can be obtained in proportion to the amount of gold earned;
If the tester gets a total of 30 points, he will receive the T-44-122, a Soviet tier VII Premium vehicle for rent for 180 days;
30 “Supertest Veteran” inscriptions, awarded after collecting 30 points:

Advanced Tester (Participation: 90 days, Points: 180):

The T-44-122 tank is awarded permanently;
30 “Supertest Veteran” emblems;
Points can be exchanged for vehicles (at the appropriate exchange rate);
Points can be exchanged for Free Experience (exchange rate 1: 5).


Veteran Tester (Participation: 180 days, Points: 360):

45 pieces of “Supertest Veteran” camouflage;
“Supertest Veteran” badge;

German E 25 tank destroyer;
Personal Reserves for Credits, Free XP, Battle Experience, and Crew (20 Reserves of each type).


Expert Tester (Participation: 360 days, Points: 720):

45 pieces of “Supertest Veteran” camouflage;
Panhard EBR 75 (FL 10);
Personal Reserves for Credits, Free XP, Battle Experience, and Crew (40 Reserves of each type).

Master Tester (Participation: 720 days, Points: 1,440):

45 pieces of “Supertest Veteran” camouflage;
WZ-111 Qilin;
Personal Reserves for Credits, Free XP, Battle Experience, and Crew (40 Reserves of each type).


A special reward system has been launched for the most active participants of the Supertest:

At the end of each quarter, the ten Supertest Participants who earn the maximum number of points will be rewarded with 10,000 gold and 315,000 Free Experience, or with a Personal Reserve pack and a vehicle of their choice from the list, excluding IX-X tier vehicles (AMX 50 Foch (155) , FV215b (183) and Strv K);
Testers who receive this award will not be able to receive it for another year, even if they have obtained the required number of points. In this case, the award will be given to the next tester on the list.

To further motivate players, testers may receive 2,000 gold as a personal reward if the Developers find their reports particularly helpful.

Finally, it is worth adding that the currently actively tested vehicles on the Supertest are: the Soviet Object 780, Udarniy, the American TS-54 and the British FV4201 Chieftain Proto.

In addition, the game client includes a number of commemorative medals for Supertest participants:

For outstanding service, Class IFor 1500 points earned while testing the game content as a participant in the supertest.
For outstanding service, Class IIFor 750 points earned while testing the game content as a participant in the supertest.
For outstanding service, Class IIIFor 250 points earned while testing the game content as a participant in the supertest.
For outstanding service, Class IVFor 50 points earned while testing the game content as a participant in the supertest.
Supertest Veteran, 1st ClassFor at least 4 years of service as a participant in supertests.
Supertest Veteran, 2nd Class
For at least 3 years of service as a participant in supertests.
Supertest Veteran, 3rd Class
For at least 2 years of service as a participant in supertests.
Supertest Veteran, 4th Class
For at least 1 year of service as a participant in supertests.

23 thoughts on “EU Supertest: Reward System

  1. I am sorry Sebastianul, but i can assure and afirm that the reward system you mentioned is a full fake.

    I am a Wargaming worker and i prefer to remain anonim. But i have enough proofs that state that Supertesters won’t get an EBR 75 FL 10, AE Phase I, T-44-122 nor the WZ-111 Qilin. That is a placebo from the High Staff (as we call the directors and officers inside WG) to ensure they have enough supertester count to rig the Supertest results.

    If you don’t believe me, i will give you a prelude to the next rig: Wargaming will open a Supertest in the mid of September to test a “new Crew 2.0 iteration”, and they will have an ashaming 82,7% of possitive reviews ro forcefully implement it.

    If you need some more proofs from me, contact my email. It’s not my main one, but the one i use so Wargaming can’t detect who i am.

    1. The mail address you sent your message to wasn’t found at the destination domain. It might be misspelled or it might not exist. Contact me

      1. If that’s true about crew 2.0 then I’m gone.
        Haven’t spent a euro since last year. Not played since last year and now I went be here next year.

    2. Why giving digital pixels to those few superstesters would be a problem? What you wrote doesn’t make sense at all.

      1. Man, what the guy says is that Weegee is actually using the Supertesters feature to do what they want. Imagine that they have 1000 Supertesters and 850 doesn’t like a feature change. Weegee will use it to manipulate the data and say that the 85 percent liked it. Supertesters then can’t respond against the decision or they will be banned from the Supertest and most probably from World of Tanks for a long time.

    3. It is nearly November now and nothing what you predicted happened, so your post was just bs..

  2. aahhahahahhaaa, sure, like this game will exist in five years!!!!!!!!

    1. That’s what I’ve been saying. I’ll give this game two more years, maybe three max, and it’ll be long forgotten. Moral of the story: don’t support anything made by WG, let alone Belorussians.

  3. Seb: Several sources told me that surprisingly, the EU supertesters are smart and they know exactly what to do. The supertest is finally in good hands and there is hope for the future.

    I had to smile quite a bit when reading this.

  4. “the EU supertesters are smart and they know exactly what to do”
    That is why the information was immediately leaked from the “closed forum” to the public one. Really smart, bravo!

  5. WG just needs to kill crew 2.0 no one wants it except for WG and there are just too many balance problems with it to fix without completely gutting it and making it worse then the current system.

    1. I want it. And i could make it more balanced than wg’s effort on one afternoon.

    2. I want it, and lot of people that are not afraid of changes want it. Current system is archaic and slow as hell. Problem with 2.0 was that if you paid you had extreme competitive edge and some of the perks were ridiculous like ramming for 1000hp. If this gets reworked right there is no problem. But old farts are like that, scared of everything. Ive been in wot since closed beta and I considered crew system to be retarded since then.

      1. You explained in your own comment why sCrew 2.0 is bad. As long as the BS “vehicle handling” overprogression exists, and as long as bonuses can be stacked to produce abortions like EBR with 90% camo and fast tanks that do 1k damage via ramming, sCrew 2.0 is a colossal failure and will only be detrimental to an already badly damaged game (prem ammo, prem food, OP prem tanks, God and His momma, you name it they have it).

        WG can be considerate and remove the pay2win aspects from the equation, or they can be greedy little shits and rig the test results as per what the anon guy above claimed (they already did that for the HE nerf, they can do it again). If it’s the latter, it will only benefit whales, WN8 worriors and clanwar losers, and I expect another mass exodus of players like what happened in 2017 when Defender and WZ-120 FakeTank were first sold.

        1. You have to consider that point of 2.0 is to make a way of additional income for WG. If they do it the smart way, like monetizing on crew slot for 4th tank, its win for both them and us. And noone would (and will) be that insane to put it in with 90% camo possibility regardless of whatever poll. It was simply flawed by design and community raged thats why it got scraped. Thats what tests are for.

          HE is another not so simple topic, because now you actually have to use the brain. Some people dont like it.

          WoT community was always full of doomists with apocalyptic predictions that never became true. In 2015 people said its a dying game. It dies pretty slowly if you ask me.

          Of course it has issues, some are dragging for too long, like a prem ammo and inbalanced vehicles, but thats not an argument for not progressing other ingame systems.

          1. Read forum.
            Nobody cares.
            WG just want to sell op tanks because that’s what players buy.
            It’s a cycle, new op tank has to be got to be competitive, endless.
            WG only cater to the casual player. Who wants a 3 min max battle. They only want to win so are given op tanks. Mechanics are dumbed down. Xp is so easy.
            Wot veterans have everything, won’t buy anything, complain, too old.

  6. Changes are needed always for good or worse, but they need to be sure they do not fuck it up like before, they are walking already on the edge

  7. Slave labor was abolished a couple of centuries ago, but WG does not seem to have caught up een with this part of older history.

    For the sake of argument, admitting the comments are true, it would mean that previously used supertesters were incompetent idiots.

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