Note that: This article is based on the official RU Battle Pass article, EU has not received the properly translated script yet.
Season VIII of the Battle Pass is about to begin. And this is the best time to replenish your supplies! The rewards of the new season will become more practical, for the first time there will be free experience among them, and the number of bonds will increase significantly. And, of course, this season there is a place for beauty – you can get three commanders who will lead your vehicles to victory! But that’s not all, the “To Battle!” event, which has become part of the Battle Pass, will help you complete the progression of three chapters faster.
Battle Pass Season VIII
Available from the Beginning of June through August 31 03:30 (UTC)
Main changes for the RU-region
- This is a unique 2022 season that focuses on restocking.
- For the first time, it will be possible to earn Free XP by completing Battle Pass stages.
- The number of bonds that can be obtained this season has been increased to 7,350 .
- For the first time in a season, you can get three commanders at once !
- The “To Battle” promotion will become part of the Battle Pass and will help you research three branches of the season’s key vehicles faster, as well as provide discounts for them: 30% for Tiers VI–VII and 15% for Tiers VIII–X.
Battle Pass Commanders
In Season VIII, players will have the opportunity to entrust the command of their vehicles to three female tankers, who can also replace any member of the crew. Meet Alla Sakovskaya, a Red Army fighter, who skillfully commands a tank crew and does not part with a reliable PPSh.
Giselle Ardane, nicknamed “Mademoiselle Led”. They say she could make an excellent staff officer, but she believes that the whole picture of the battle is not visible from the rear.
London Journalist April O’Real. She prefers to be personally present in the center of events in order to experience everything that happens for herself. And the tank is the best tool for this.
![]() Alla Sakovskaya |
![]() Gisele Ardane |
![]() April O’Real |

One Bounty Equipment to choose from, as in Season 7, will also be available in the in-game Store for tokens. You can buy it for three tokens.
Combat missions for bonds
Access to the chain of combat missions for bonds can be obtained after completing the 50th stage of each chapter of the Battle Pass. During the season, you can get and complete three such chains. Tasks for bonds can be completed until October 1, 03:00 (UTC) .
One completed chain of tasks will bring 1,000, and for the entire VIII season, you can earn 7,350. This is practically the price of a Tier VIII premium tank, which can be purchased in the “Products for Bonds” section.
Task Conditions
Bonus Pass: Reinforcements, Part 1 | Win in battle | 200 BONDS | 1 time per account
Tier VI–X vehicles Random fight |
Bonus Pass: Reinforcements, Part 2 | Earn 2,000 base XP over any number of battles. | ||
Bonus Pass: Reinforcements, Part 3 | Deal 5000 damage over any number of battles. | ||
Bonus Pass: Reinforcements, Part 4 | Destroy 3 enemy vehicles in any number of battles | ||
Bonus Pass: Reinforcements, Part 5 | Be in the top 10 of your team by experience 5 times (not necessarily in a row). |
The key technique of the season
As the key vehicles of the season, we have chosen up-to-date vehicles with interesting gameplay. We are sure that they will show themselves well in Random Battles and Reconnaissance in combat, and will also bring a lot of fun to both veterans of the game and beginners. Meet the three tanks that will have the status of a key vehicle this season:

The points limit for these vehicles has been increased to 1,000. They will also be able to earn Battle Pass points in Random Battles and Battle Recon according to the following rules:
Object 430U
Top 3 by experience | 8![]() |
6![]() |
Top 10 by experience | 6![]() |
4![]() |
E 100
Top 3 by experience | 9 ![]() |
7 ![]() |
Top 5 by experience | 7 ![]() |
5 ![]() |
Top 10 by experience | 5![]() |
3![]() |
Top 3 by experience | 10 ![]() |
8 ![]() |
Top 10 by experience | 5 ![]() |
3 ![]() |
Action “To Battle!”
Now the action “To Battle!” is inextricably linked with the Battle Pass, so the choice of research branches will be limited to the key equipment of the game event – three Tier X vehicles.
By participating in the promotion, you can get more rewards, research the vehicles you need and their crew faster. Now you have:
- the ability to independently choose combat missions for one of three branches with key vehicles:
Object 430U ,
E 100 ,
STB-1 ;
- the ability to research Battle Pass vehicles faster;
- more combat experience and crew experience;
- discount on vehicles of three key vehicle research branches throughout the season: 30% for Tier VI–VII vehicles and 15% for Tier VIII–X vehicles;
- the ability to complete the Battle Pass progression faster and earn more in-game items thanks to the accelerated research of the event’s key vehicle.

Cobra – Token reward
In Season VIII, for the first time, you can get the British medium tank Cobra with a four-round magazine loader. The characteristics of the tank are final. Cobra, like all tanks in the Goods for Tokens section, is equipped with a built-in free Large Repair Kit.
Fast reloading inside the magazine and high armor penetration values for both the standard (HEAT) and special (High-Explosive) shells allow you to deal incredible damage in a very short period of time.
When playing with standard shells, you will get an efficient magazine loading system with excellent armor penetration values, allowing you to deal significant damage. High-explosive fragmentation shells are extremely dangerous for the enemy, but require proper use.
In Season VIII, you can get up to three new decals, 6 of each:

The unique “Ride of the Valkyries” medal, which is available upon completion of 150 stages of the main Battle Pass progression.
What is the orange “New” sign? 3x Token for Personal Mission?
Probably unlocks the mission chain for 1k bonds
It’s too bad that there’s no 3D style. Now that there are only a few t10 tanks left without a 3D style, I think wg will sell it as a x-mas root box. or… Maybe the worst case scenario is something wrong with the team that made the 3D style. I hope not.
All of these tanks already have 3D styles, I think it’s good, that they do not invest resources for creating duplicate ones (although I know, they aleady did that in the past).
But this idea is most probably tied wth the fact that RU region now will have Battle Pass and ToTT events joined together. If that part does not come to EU (and it should not, as we already have our ToTT vehicles active), then maybe we will get something different in rewards.
They have 3D styles, but they are not historical. Watch the video they just released on YouTube. They are Warhammer-ish.
‘cuz uh, yeah, kult of speed STB-1 for me.