WoT Battle Pass – Loading issues

Some of you may encounter problems with the Battle Pass stuck on loading.

If you encounter this issue simply delete the cache and game settings:

  1. Press Windows key + R.
  2. Type %appdata%\wargaming.net\WorldOfTanks.
  3. Press Enter.
  4. Delete:
    Preferences.xml – resets your game settings (graphics, audio, controls and so on.)
    Custom_data – force a client side refresh of your clan emblems.
    The rest – resets the game cache.

We hope that this will help.

EU Player Support Team

12 thoughts on “WoT Battle Pass – Loading issues

  1. Does not help for me unfortunately. 🙁
    Also tried rebooting client and computer, changing server, loading game in safe mode, but nothing helps.
    But at least now I know, I am not the only one with such problem.

    1. UPDATE: the preferences.xml file was the guilty one. Before that I only deleted the cache and left the preferences file, but now, when I deleted everything, Battle Pass loaded correctly.
      I checked my old XML file and the one, which now has been created automatically, and the new one has totally different structure, so they have updated something, but did not adjust the file structure.
      Well, good luck for me to modify again all the million settings from scratch.

    1. Did not help, although the setting could be the guilty one, as it specifically warns about such issues.

  2. Don’t delete the Preferences.xml. It only will cost you a lot of work if you have adjusted the game settings… and does not help in this case.

    1. Helped for me though. I checked the old file and new one afterwards, and both files differ in the structure a lot.

  3. Any suggestions for android or iPhone? My main account gets stuck on every device. Including pc. A newer account, however, works just fine on all the same devices.

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