The closing Season of Ranked Battles will take place from March 7 through March 20, so this is your last chance to display your mastery and make the final push for Rank Tokens for a better Annual Reward! This is also your final chance to make progress towards earning rewards, including the Chinese tier X 114 SP2, from this year’s Ranked season. (As a reminder, you must receive at least 9 Rank Tokens to receive the vehicle.)
Season Dates
March 7, 2022, at 10:00 CET through March 20, 2022, at 10:00 CET (UTC+1)
Prime Times
Weekdays: 14:00–02:00 CET (UTC+1) (EU 1 server)
Weekends: 10:00–02:00 CET (UTC+1) (EU 1 server)
The Brand-New Milton Pact 3D Style for the Concept 1B
You can get it for 5,000 bonds once you reach the Second Division.
Improved Reward Screen
We also improved the reward selection screen, so now it will be even easier to redeem the pieces of improved equipment you will receive as part of the Annual Reward. This year, you’ll be able to grab up to three different items of improved equipment of your choice from all existing equipment in this category, including Improved Compressor and Increased Shell Resistance, which are currently exclusive to Ranked Battles and unavailable for bonds. Think carefully before selecting!
One more stressful week, and 114 sp2 is collected.
Never again though.
I play this game for fun,
Not to be shanked in ranked by kranvagn clankers.
E3 punches holes in them but only barely.
And I have to use the accursed gold ammo that I hate. In ranked I become what I dislike about the game.
In order for a kran to be fair that reload needs to be nerfed to allow for punishing/balance.
And that small spot under the gun needs to be a weakspot.
Also I get what you are about to say about E3, and I kinda agree but the lack of turret and gun depression make it a lot harder to position. -13 degrees high dpm autoloader with nopen turret is what I’m taking about
we probably all do
Since wot is on Google and Steam
Both closed most payments methods to Russia.
This looks a lot better than the Kpz 50t skin, i believe 50t skin was a missed opportunity, i really liked the camonet tank already had and combined my styles with it.
in the ranked battle shop were u can buy the tanks,i have a question.:)))
until witch date we can buy from there?