Go undercover behind enemy lines and become the mastermind of your team with the stealthy X
Manticore . Top of the Tree discounts, missions, and offers await as you climb the British light tank line and discover a series of nimble and tactical scouts.
Balancing risk and reward in search of victory is the Manticore’s stock-in-trade, and playing to its strengths is key. The most obvious are its small profile and excellent camouflage, perfect for remaining undetected in close proximity to opponents and spotting from bushes and cover. Its impressive acceleration and 68 km/h top speed is handy for both outmaneuvering enemies who get too close and scouting the battlefield. While this is no heavy hitter, it offers 390 alpha damage, and its decent penetration and strong gun depression are characteristics shared throughout the line.
Make your way up the Tech Tree from February 20 at 06:00 CET through March 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1), and take advantage of great discounts and missions all the way to the top. Don’t forget that you can purchase an extra boost in the Premium Shop or in-game for gold if you want to speed things up!
Available from February 20 at 06:00 CET through March 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)
Missions up to Tier X
Available from February 20 at 06:00 CET through March 20 at 06:00 CET (UTC+1)
You’ll have something to fight for every day for a month! This includes XP per vehicle every day, Crew XP bonuses, and other significant rewards to help you reach Tier X. You can find more information about the missions below:
Crew XP
x2 Crew XP
- Play a battle
- Be among the top 7 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random Battles
- Only available for the vehicles featured in this special
Damaging Push
6,500 XP
1 Personal Reserve: +50% to Combat XP for 1 hour
- Assist with causing 15,000 HP of spotting damage over any number of battles
- Only in Random Battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Can be completed 10 times per account
- XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
Push Through!
20,000 XP
- Assist with causing 150,000 HP of spotting damage over any number of battles
- Only in Random Battles
- Only in the following vehicles:
- Once per account
- XP will be credited to the vehicle you complete the mission with
1 Large Repair Kit
1 Large First Aid Kit
1 Automatic Fire Extinguisher
1 Personal Reserve: +300% to Crew XP for 1 hour
- Play 5 battles
- Be among the top 10 on your team by base XP earned
- Only in Random Battles
- Repeatable
- Only available for the
Every light tank: I can do up to 14.000 dmg!
Manticore: nah bro, 8k is cool
Ofc you usually dont do that much but its nice to MISS a single shot without losing 5% worth your ammo
i could give a Shit! really give a shit about a pretty useless T10 LT from Britain
From T7 and up the entire line is dead.
Not a light for avarage player, with some luck the mark will go down. So i can have another 14900 spot battle in prokorovka and reach the 3rd mark on it
Good scout tank. It’s a “we be all sneaky like” type of tank
Worst light line, by far, in WOT.
Tier 7 is Catastrophic and then we have only bad tanks.
Put this “bad” thing into your personal perspective: you will smash your mouse and keybaord numerous times because of that.
Conclusion: DO NO GO THAT LINE.
This tank is only for players with higher skill levels. If you suck, don’t bother with this line.