Battle Pass Season 7: Style Sets

This is what the style sets from the upcoming seventh season of the Battle Pass look like. Styles treated as non-historical, valued at 750 gold. Available for vehicles of all nations and tiers.


Multiseason style awarded at a specific stage of the Battle Pass: Season 7.

Rain of Stone

Multiseason style awarded at a specific stage of the Battle Pass: Season 7.

Battle Scars

— Multiseason style awarded at a specific stage of the Battle Pass: Season 7. 

One thought on “Battle Pass Season 7: Style Sets

  1. Why do they keep making weird styles based on rocks and concrete? I am fine with non-historical styles but they should make them look like something that would be possible as a paintjob on a tank. Anything that you might see on a custom car would be good but a pile of bricks makes no sense at all.

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