Update Object 590 – Changed Stats

With tomorrow’s micropatch, the stats of Object 590 are changing.

https://ru-wotp.wgcdn.co/static/5.6.2_896aed/wotp_static/img/core/frontend/scss/common/components/widgets/content-tank/img/uk.png Object 590. Statistics with crew at 100%:

HP: 1 750   1 800
Gun turning speed: 37,55 °/s   41,72 °/s 
Hull armor: 110 / 75 / 45   110 / 85 / 45 mm

Gun: 100 mm D-54TA

Rate of fire: 6,13   7,21 rounds/minute
Damage per minute: 1 961   2 307
Damage per minute with HE shells: 2 574   3 028
One shell reload time: 9,79 / 14,68 / 18,60 s   8,32 / 14,68 / 18,60 s
Complete reload time: 43,07 s   41,60 s (Time between firing the last shell in the autoloader and loading a new one)
Accuracy at 100 m: 0,42   0,41
Aiming time: 3,23 s   3,03 s

Aim spread:

  • during turret rotation: 0,25   0,23;
  • during vehicle movement: 0,27   0,25;
  • during vehicle rotation: 0,27   0,25;
  • during turret rotation at the maximum speed: 9,39   9,60;
  • at the maximum vehicle speed: 14,04   13,00;
  • at the maximum vehicle rotation speed: 12,39   11,47.

2 thoughts on “Update Object 590 – Changed Stats

  1. Bottle of Vodka or two .. some coke .. and later a night of ‘expensive Escort girls’ .. then in the morning this Ruskie fiction Cartoon Tank is born and enters the WOT written & drawn on a vodka stained napkin and straight onto the WOT supertest Server ~ hard work indeed way to go comrades!

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