Update 1.12.1: Common Test 2 Is Here! – Patchnotes

The update should arrive on April 13.

Patchnotes CT 2

Main Changes

Fixes and Improvements

  • Fixed the issue of SPG players hearing the sound of a travelling projectile after it had already detonated.
  • Fixed the issue of the mouse cursor not changing under certain conditions.
  • Fixed the issue of some elements of the Platoon interface not being displayed.
  • Fixed the issue of some sound effects not playing for vehicles featuring the Siege mode when their hull was tilted.
  • Fixed the issue of the team HP pool bar not displaying under certain conditions.
  • Fixed the issue in Steel Hunter mode where destroyed vehicles could continue to fight in battle, while being considered destroyed by the system, making them invulnerable.

2 thoughts on “Update 1.12.1: Common Test 2 Is Here! – Patchnotes

  1. Likely more ‘fixes’ ‘improvements’ to make the Team MM algorithms more efficient this too guarantee much more 1 sided 3min~4min fast slaughter games

    so you right back fast to the Garage
    you can buy more Gold
    with your Credit Card

    Wargame a big smile

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