11 thoughts on “WoT EU Survey

    1. random players might have received the questionnaire, apparently you’re not so “interesting” to WG.

  1. Last time I got some sort of Q&A was probably a few years ago, so yeah, seeing this is quite interesting. 😀

  2. I answered to this Q&A from WG. It was all about polar marathon for 274. approximately 20 questions..

    1. Same here but in NA, and got like 30 questions. I mostly voted that the missions were too difficult and time consuming to be properly completed, even if I wasn’t trying to get the tank. Hopefully for next events they reduce the requirements to more reasonable levels.

  3. It’s a generic questionnaire, I’ve had other marathon ones, all asking exactly the same EXCEPT for the page about the 2745a capabilities in battles.

    That is very interesting, surely the tank was super tested vigorously prior to release?.
    Surely WG have enough data on all tanks by now to know exactly what a tank requires to either be under powered, balanced or over powered?.

    Why would WG ask specific questions regarding the 274a ability to combat against higher tiers?.
    From what I read in forums etc, a LOT of players who got the 274a are really unhappy with its performance, and it sure does see tier 9 and 10 a lot.

    Of all 50 battles in mine, it has seen tier 10 27 times, that’s over 50%, then tier 9 a further 15 battles, rarely is it in top tier, and NEVER has it seen tier 6!. But none of my tier 8 premium tanks ever see tier 6.
    I think the only tank that did worse, was Panther 88, on first release saw tier 10 36/50 first battles. Oh dear…

    Get QB to make a video on it, he might be able to show players how the Obj274a performs versus tier 6 in a no spg game.

    The one thing that really surprised me when I first got it, was how fast it loses all it’s HP.

    It’s a tank that one could say has quite a high skill ceiling to carry a win.
    The Obj 274a has already been put to the rear of many garages, and forgotten about.

    But you could say all these things about many tanks.

    It has probably affected the goodwill patrons had in marathons.

    An expensive toy.

    1. That is very interesting, surely the tank was super tested vigorously prior to release?.
      Surely WG have enough data on all tanks by now to know exactly what a tank requires to either be under powered, balanced or over powered?.

      They have the data; they need the consumer feedback. They’ll have an entire team whose job it is to bring together all of the feedback and collect their own and analyze it. How many users said they didn’t like the event? How many participated very hard? Why? The game designers don’t get to draw their own wild conclusions; those professionals were hired for their exact skill in that job.

      As best as I can tell, the survey was directed to accounts who had high activity in previous marathons and low or zero activity in 274a’s…

      in large part, as you said, they have the data. They know overperforming marathon tanks drive a lot of activity. The 274a has a heavy’s armor and gun, but it’s fast enough and flexible enough to slip into a medium position as convenient… and yet it wasn’t driving the activity. They need the feedback so the developers can know what exactly to change for the next one.

      Honestly, if it weren’t for the fact that it had a 107mm, I wouldn’t have cared about it at all. It’s just that everything else about it soured the 107mm gameplay I like.

      1. the Answer?
        Wargame > Stop the ever more increasingly high amounts of Tier 10 battles that Tier 8,s now suffer

        (even though WG promised us the “new improved 2.0” MM from 3 years ago would give much improved comfort with much fewer T10 games and far more games aimed at all Tier 8 battles

        Lies of course as usual
        well its WG what else?

      2. Thats exactly how market analysis works. I did not wonder why they would have a particular increased interest regarding this last marathon. I for example finished 4 missions on the last 4 days, with zero effort. Prior to that I was incapacitated and also had no interest in the whole thing.
        I just hope that greedy WG will learn something at least.

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