WoWS ST 0.9.9, new ships

Please note that all information in the development blog is preliminary and subject to change during testing. Any showcased features may or may not end up on the main server.

Japanese battleship Hizen, Tier IX

One of the “Super Battleship” project variants (project A-140-J3), preliminary to the creation of the Yamato-class battleships. The main armament of the ship is twelve 410 mm guns in four turrets. Such a number of guns, uncharacteristic for Japanese high-tier battleships, allows the ship to deal a significant amount of damage.

German destroyer Z-44, Tier IX

A Type 1936B torpedo destroyer, armed with two quintuple torpedo tubes with fast reload and long-range torpedoes. The ship is mostly suitable for torpedo attacks from a distance. Unlike researchable German destroyers, Z-44 lacks the “Hydroacoustic Search” consumable.

French battleship Strasbourg, Tier VII

Strasbourg is a Dunkerque-class battleship equipped with the “Main Battery Reload Booster” consumable. Her decent rate of fire, good firing range, and mediocre armor make her most effective when playing at a distance and conducting flank attacks.

British cruiser Plymouth, Tier X

One of the variants of the project preliminary to the construction of the Edinburgh-class cruisers. The main features of the ship are sixteen 152 mm guns in four turrets and the availability of only AP shells, similar to the ones available to the British light cruisers tech tree branch. The ship is equipped with the “Surveillance Radar”, “Smoke Generator”, and “Hydroacoustic Search” consumables, but has a short firing range and light armor.

Plymouth feels most comfortable when firing over islands or from smoke, if the situation allows. When contesting caps it’s important to be careful, because the shorter than average range of the “Surveillance Radar” consumable will lead to the necessity to get closer to the enemy. Torpedoes with a 10 km range, which can be launched from smoke, may also prove quite useful.

Unlike Minotaur, Plymouth has more guns, the simultaneous availability of “Surveillance Radar” and “Smoke Generator”, and slightly better armor. However, she has a lower firing range, longer main battery reload, less powerful AA, two times fewer torpedo tubes, and she is equipped with a standard “Repair Party” consumable.

Commonwealth cruiser Mysore, Tier VI

The Fiji-type light cruiser, built for the Royal Navy and transferred to the Indian Navy. Like British light cruisers, the ship is equipped only with AP shells. A “Crawling Smoke Generator” consumable will be of use when having to retreat or, on the contrary, get closer to the target, and “Hydroacoustic Search” will allow her to detect enemy ships and torpedoes.

Ships’ characteristics

Japanese battleship Hizen, Tier IX

Hit points – 80,700. Plating – 32 mm.

Main battery – 4×3 410 mm. Firing range – 21.1 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 6,500. Chance to cause fire – 30%. HE initial velocity – 834 m/s. Maximum AP shell damage – 12,750. AP initial velocity – 834 m/s.
Reload time – 30.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 40.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 236 m. Sigma – 1.7.

Secondary Armament:
3×3 155.0 mm, range – 7.0 km. Maximum HE shell damage – 2,600. Chance to cause fire – 10%. HE initial velocity – 925 m/s
8×2 127.0 mm, range – 7.0 km. Maximum HE shell damage – 2,100. Chance to cause fire – 8%. HE initial velocity – 725 m/s

AA defense: 12×3 25.0 mm, 24×2 25.0 mm, 18×1 25.0 mm, 8×2 127.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 435, hit probability – 85 %, action zone 0.1-2.5 km;
AA defense long-range: сontinuous damage per second – 150, hit probability – 75 %, action zone 0.1-5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 5, damage within an explosion – 1,540, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 28.2 kt. Turning circle radius – 880 m. Rudder shift time – 17.1 s. Surface detectability – 16.4 km. Air detectability – 12.2 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 15.9 km.

Available consumables:
Slot 1 – Damage Control Party
Slot 2 – Repair Party
Slot 3 – Fighter/Spotting Aircraft


German destroyer Z-44, Tier IX

Hit points – 19,400. Plating – 19 mm.

Main battery – 5×1 128 mm. Firing range – 11.1 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 1,500. Chance to cause fire – 6%. HE initial velocity – 830 m/s. Maximum AP shell damage – 3,000. AP initial velocity – 830 m/s.
Reload time – 4.2 s. 180 degree turn time – 22.5 s. Maximum dispersion – 98 m. Sigma – 2.00.

Torpedo tubes – 2×5 533 mm. Maximum damage – 13,700. Range – 12.0 km. Speed – 64 kt. Reload time – 85 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.3 km.

AA defense: 7×4 30.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 365, hit probability – 95 %, action zone 0.1-3.0 km;

Maximum speed – 36.5 kt. Turning circle radius – 670 m. Rudder shift time – 4.4 s. Surface detectability – 8.1 km. Air detectability – 3.7 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 3.1 km.

Available consumables:
Slot 1 – Damage Control Party
Slot 2 – Smoke Generator (Action time 20 s; duration time 77 s; reload time 160 s; charges 3)
Slot 3 – Engine Boost


French battleship Strasbourg, Tier VII

Hit points – 52,600. Plating – 26 mm.

Main battery – 2×4 330 mm. Firing range – 19.1 km.
Maximum HE shell damage – 4,800. Chance to cause fire – 35%. HE initial velocity – 885 m/s. Maximum AP shell damage – 9,700. AP initial velocity – 870 m/s. Reload time – 21.0 s. 180 degree turn time – 36.0 s. Maximum dispersion – 253 m. Sigma – 1.70.

Secondary Armament:
3×4 130.0 mm, range – 5.0 km. Maximum HE shell damage – 1,900. Chance to cause fire – 9%. HE initial velocity – 840 m/s
2×2 130.0 mm, range – 5.0 km. Maximum HE shell damage – 1,900. Chance to cause fire – 9%. HE initial velocity – 840 m/s

AA defense: 2×2 130.0 mm, 3×4 130.0 mm, 4×2 37.0 mm, 8×4 13.2 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 150, hit probability – 70 %, action zone 0.1-1.5 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 30, hit probability – 75 %, action zone 0.1-3.0 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 120, hit probability – 75 %, action zone 0.1-6.0 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 3, damage within an explosion – 1,400, action zone 3.5 – 6.0 km.

Maximum speed – 29.5 kt. Turning circle radius – 730 m. Rudder shift time – 14.0 s. Surface detectability – 16.9 km. Air detectability – 9.6 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 14.2 km.

Available consumables:
Slot 1- Damage Control Party
Slot 2 – Repair Party
Slot 3 – Main Battery Reload Booster (Duration time 20 s; main battery recharge time -50%; reload time 120 s; charges 4)
Slot 4 – Fighter/Spotting Aircraft

British cruiser Plymouth, Tier X

Hit points – 41,000. Plating – 16 mm.
Main battery – 4×4 152 mm. Firing range – 14.3 km. Maximum AP shell damage – 3,100. AP initial velocity – 841 m/s. Reload time – 7.5 s. 180 degree turn time – 25.7 s. Maximum dispersion – 131 m. Sigma – 2.05.

Torpedo tubes – 2×4 533 mm. Maximum damage – 16,767. Range – 10.0 km. Speed – 62 kt. Reload time – 96 s. Launcher 180 degree turn time – 7.2 s. Torpedo detectability – 1.3 km.
Instead of choosing between wide and narrow spreads, captains can choose to fire off individual torpedoes or expend the entire launcher at once

AA defense: 6×4 40.0 mm, 8×1 40.0 mm, 12×2 20.0 mm, 6×2 102.0 mm.
AA defense short-range: continuous damage per second – 225, hit probability – 85 %, action zone 0.1-2.0 km;
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 375, hit probability – 90 %, action zone 0.1-3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 100, hit probability – 90 %, action zone 0.1-5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 4, damage within an explosion – 1,400, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 31.5 kt. Turning circle radius – 680 m. Rudder shift time – 10.1 s. Surface detectability – 11.7 km. Air detectability – 7.2 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 5.5 km.
Available consumables:
Slot 1 – Damage Control Party
Slot 2 – Repair Party
Slot 3 – Hydroacoustic Search
Slot 4 – Smoke Generator
Slot 5 – Surveillance Radar (Duration time 40 s; detection of ships 9.0 km; reload time 120 s; charges 3)

Commonwealth cruiser Mysore, Tier VI

Hit points – 30,600. Plating – 16 mm.

Main battery – 3×3 152 mm. Firing range – 14.0 km. Maximum AP shell damage – 3,100. AP initial velocity – 841 m/s. Reload time – 7.5 s. 180 degree turn time – 25.7 s. Maximum dispersion – 130 m. Sigma – 2.00.

AA defense: 5×2 40.0 mm, 2×1 40.0 mm, 4×2 102.0 mm.
AA defense mid-range: continuous damage per second – 230, hit probability – 90 %, action zone 0.1-3.5 km;
AA defense long-range: continuous damage per second – 75, hit probability – 90 %, action zone 0.1-5.8 km;
Number of explosions in a salvo – 2, damage within an explosion – 1,120, action zone 3.5 – 5.8 km.

Maximum speed – 31.5 kt. Turning circle radius – 610 m. Rudder shift time – 8.6 s. Surface detectability – 11.0 km. Air detectability – 6.4 km. Detectability after firing main guns in smoke – 5.0 km.

Available consumables:
Slot 1 – Damage Control Party
Slot 2 – Hydroacoustic Search
Slot 3 – Crawling Smoke Generator