Update 1.10: “SEA Variety” Camouflage Pictures

PS: delayed posts are due to online exams. 3 more days and I escape this living hell for 6 months; more or less.

Another camouflage was added to the 1.10 update files. Treated as non-historical, valued at 50 gold.

The camouflage is available in five different variants:

SEA Variety: Blue

SEA Variety: Green

SEA Variety: Purple

SEA Variety: Lilac

SEA Variety: Red

8 thoughts on “Update 1.10: “SEA Variety” Camouflage Pictures

  1. Seb, you clearly hate the university and more than likely even the profession you chose. Work won’t be much different. I’ve been in the same situation before, and I truly know that it is a damned place. Life doesn’t have to be this dark and difficult. I recommend to take courage, quit and find something you enjoy instead.

    1. I would rather carry luggage or be a waiter 8 hours a day, less mental stress… The hardest part of university is pretty much over at this point. I think I’ll pass into the final year and there the exams are way easier.

    2. I’m already sick for life with ulcerative colitis thanks to uni, so I’ll finish it no matter what. However I will advise anyone against starting.

  2. Your choice man,hope you well for the next year then and thanks for posting on here its my No.1 go to site for wot info.

    1. I try posting everything eventually. Seems others gave up. I can’t quit and betray you guys, cause I am a reader like you too.

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