Premium Shop: World Anime Day Emblems & Inscriptions (EU/NA)

Special Offer:
World Anime Day Emblems & Inscriptions

OFFER BEGINS: April 15, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
OFFER ENDS: April 22, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

World Anime Day Emblems: $4.28 $3.99 (6% Off) BUY NOW
3× Emblems: 3× Emblems: 3× Emblems: 3× Emblems: 3× Emblems:
“Cat’s Eye” “Pissed Off” “Hexagram” “Mark of Ninja” “Battle”
World Anime Day Inscriptions: $4.28 $3.99 (6% Off) BUY NOW
3× Inscriptions: 3× Inscriptions: 3× Inscriptions: 3× Inscriptions: 3× Inscriptions:
“Eternal Blizzard” “Let’s 1v1” “Enough Killer Instinct” “Activate Trap!” “Oraoraoraora”
World Anime Day Pack: $14.88 $12.99 (12% Off) BUY NOW
6× Emblems: 6× Emblems: 6× Emblems: 6× Emblems: 6× Emblems:
“Cat’s Eye” “Pissed Off” “Hexagram” “Mark of Ninja” “Battle”
6× Inscriptions: 6× Inscriptions: 6× Inscriptions: 6× Inscriptions: 6× Inscriptions:
“Eternal Blizzard” “Let’s 1v1” “Enough Killer Instinct” “Activate Trap!” “Oraoraoraora”

EU store link:

12 thoughts on “Premium Shop: World Anime Day Emblems & Inscriptions (EU/NA)

  1. Hello mate. I like checking armour patrol for updates on WoT such as supertest info which doesn’t get posted on their website homepage, however it really frustrates me when you guys simply repost articles from the WoT website. If I wanted to read them I would have already on the WoT website.

    1. I see. Will post less of them. This time though, there were new unique emblems and I couldn’t not post them

    2. thats your opinion, i prefer reading them here because wots website looks like a hot mess, TAPs portal is much cleaner

        1. I agree with Valky. Seb, don’t listen to the firsr guy. Anyone can skip articles they don’t want to read ^^ but by not posting them here, the TAP community wouldn’t be able to comment on them anymore. Please don’t take that away from me <3

          1. Understood. Tomorrow or in the weekend I’ll prepare a special article, a QA.

        2. Don’t listen to the first Guy, keep posting, I usually look into all news on all Region here.

          j13esh8905eu can leave.

          1. Exactly, anyone can skip articles. I also prefer TAP before WG’s site.

      1. You call yourself a weeb? A true weeb would’ve posted the entire thing in Japanese, in kana, AND wouldn’t have translated it

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