6 thoughts on “TOG II* Available on EU

  1. What’s wrong with WG? Feels like they are selling another premium tank every day…

  2. Everyone’s dissing the TOG, but the truth is it can be pretty damn powerful in certain situations. Don’t underestimate that enormous HP pool and its DPM ^^

  3. Utter rubbish vehicle. The ultimate game thrower.

    “Hurr hurr! Yolo! QB & Jingles 4 eva!” cry the r e t a r d s, as they steam their t u r d of a tank towards the largest open field ahead of the enemy team, dealing no damange whilst welcoming enemy shells like a giant XP piniata.

    “TOG Lyfe! Lol” Yells the i d i o t as he explodes into a fireball having dealt no damage and contributed nothing to the battle but to deny a player, playing a HT with a chance of actually winning from joining the game.

    Useless tank for useless, game throwing m o r o n s. It’d normally be a punishable offence, to willfully throw the game but here WG ask i d i o t s to wilfully pay real money for it. Tragic.

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