World of Warships – Service Record Changes

We updated service record and the rewards you can earn for completing it in 0.9.1.

Beginners will now need to play fewer battles to gain access to the main game features, and the updated rewards will make this progression easier.

Please note: Players who started playing before the release of Update 0.9.1 will receive all-new rewards for already completed stages, minus what was already received in the old version of the service record.

For example, players who have already reached the last stage of their service record before Update 0.9.1 will receive:

  • 15,000 units of coal,

  • 4 days of Premium account,

  • Supercontainer,

  • 10 daily containers (among which 5 are “More Resources” containers),

  • as well as a large amount of upgrades, expendable camouflages, economic, and special signals.

in order to receive these rewards, just log in the game. Good luck and fair seas!