WoT NA – From the Screen to the Battlefield: M4A3E8 Fury

Sure, the 2014 movie Fury had a Hollywood star power, but the real star was the U.S. Sherman tank with logs strapped to the sides and “Fury” scrawled on its 76 mm barrel. Now you can own this piece of cinema history: Fury is a bulked-up M4A3E8 Sherman with a more powerful engine and bigger cannon; it has the highest DPM rating among all Premium Tier VI medium tanks in the game and aesthetics that match those with the movie vehicle!

Special Offer:
M4A3E8 Fury

Tuesday, July 16, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET
Thursday, August 1, 04:20 PT | 06:20 CT | 07:20 ET

M4A3E8 Fury War Chest: $69.99

M4A3E8 Fury Ultimate: $36.99

M4A3E8 Fury Loaded: $27.99

M4A3E8 Fury: $19.99

Bundle Contents:

  • VI M4A3E8 Fury
  • 100%Crew
  • Garage Slot