Supertest: HD Province

Source: WoT Forums

You’ve been asking us about the introduction of new maps and the possible return of your old favorites not currently in game. With the Glacier map, we addressed the first kind of inquiries; with this post, we’ll reply to the second one: the overhauled and updated Province map enters the Supertest. If everything goes fine, you may expect to see it in game really soon.

Yes, this is the map you probably waged your very first battle on!
The battle that probably ended with the destruction of your vehicle by an enemy you could not see. You probably exclaimed “How come!” (we hope). Such situations were one of reasons we excluded the old Province from the game. The map was too complicated for new players and too small for high Tier play – so we have created a new prototype that will allow to alleviate these problems and bring Province back into Random Battles while keeping the best of its signature features.

Province: what have we changed?
First of all, the size. We’ve moved from the original 600m×600m to a more spacious 850m×850m, allowing to use the map as a high Tier playground. A longer distance between the opposite slopes will make camo-based play possible, but keep spotting relevant. Currently, it’s a bit over 500m – which is optimal: just enough to hit an enemy on the other side if spotting is provided.

Second, we’ve changed the gameplay. Back in the old days, Province used to be a place for fast spotting and quick shootouts. To win, you only needed better camo and sight range. On the new version of the map, everything will be less streamlined. Winning will require moving: not just occupying your slope, but attacking the other one. If you don’t press forward, the enemy will—and things will get hairy for sure. An assault will be quite an undertaking: a part of your team will have to approach the enemy while the other part provides fire support. The attack group will have it hard, risking being hit or running into the other side’s attackers – but if you manage to reach key positions, you’ll be able to break through your opponents’ defense.

Third, we’ve created new opportunities and enough room for tactical experimentation. Though the map is compact, there are multiple possible battle scenarios. You may try to take positions by your enemies’ way downhill and lock them in the canyon, or try the long serpentine road for a multi-pronged attack. It may happen so that the teams trade places and will have to storm their own starting positions, moving in a circle.

So, what will become of it?
The Supertest results will show. Currently, the map is very close to getting back into Random Battles—the good old Province that will require more of you than fully developed Crew Camouflage skills and a masking net on a low level tank.