Another Sunday, another wonderful tank model by JandersUF.
An absolutely bizarre looking beast, the KV-2 was a 152mm howitzer placed in a super-sized turret on top of a standard KV-1 heavy tank hull. It was using during the opening phases of the second world war (around 1941) by the Soviet Union.
Awesome kit for the price (easy to get on eBay for $20-25 including shipping, if you can wait for the slow boat… comes with both link-and-length tracks and vinyl “rubber band” tracks, brass cables, and overall fits nicely and looks cool. Well it looks ridiculous, but that IS cool.
Only a limited number were produced– a bit over 300.
The over-sized turret was so heavy it could not rotate if the tank was on an incline! It also significantly slowed the tank’s top speed and mobility.
However, it was so heavily armored that it was nearly impervious to the German tanks it faced in 1941 during Barbarossa. They had to call in artillery or turn an 88mm AA gun onto it to have a solid chance to destroy it.
While the kit is pretty awesome, and 10/10 for the price, the translation is… lacking. Though I LOVE quick-fried turrets!
I used metal powders to polish up the outer parts of the tracks to give them the appearance of real metal.
Detail shot of the turret top. I tried to add extra scuffing around the tops of the ladders, and some fading and dusting in reasonable spots.