Wargaming is proud to be celebrating 100 Years of Tanks with a host of events in remembrance of the Mark I, the first tank to hit the battlefield. “The passion for history is in Wargaming’s DNA,” said Viktor Kislyi, Wargaming CEO. “The Mark I gave birth to a long lineage of war machines and served as the catalyst for tank building history.”
Our celebration begins September 15 (the actual day the Mark I was first in battle) with a new earnable high-tier Premium tank! The Crown adds a Hero in the Centennial Chieftain/T95, a unique medium tank featuring dark camouflage, barbed wire and sandbags! Earn this mobile bunker for FREE, or it’s available for purchase in the Store.
But that’s not all folks — the coveted Soviet-German hybrid, the T-34-88, is also making a return!
The T-34-88 is one of the most unique, sought-after vehicles in World of Tanks! What makes it so awesome? Aside from being a sharpshooter armed with the Tiger’s 88mm L/56 gun, it can train both Soviet AND German Crews, and earns additional XP (instead of Silver) per battle!
Store Bundles
Along with big savings in the bundles below, there’ll be a few additional bundles featuring the Centennial Chieftain and T-34-88 separately.
The T-34-88 is available in a “Fully Loaded” bundle (with recommended equipment and seven days of Premium) beginning September 23 for 6,300. A pair of “Loaded” bundles featuring the Centennial Chieftain and T-34-88 individually are also available on the 23rd for 11,700 and 4,800, respectively.
And if you want the vehicles just by themselves, two “Base” bundles will be available on September 26. Get the Centennial Chieftain for 10,450 and the T-34-88 for just 4,000!
Purchasing the Centennial Chieftain in any bundle will grant a repeatable x2 Crew XP and a Crew trained in the “Pain Tolerance” Skill.All Premium vehicles purchased from the Store include a mix of standard and Premium ammo.
Ace Operations
Ace Ops are available once per account, and in Multiplayer battles only. Ace Ops must be completed within seven days of the bundle purchase date. You must purchase the T-34-88 bundle to activate its Ace Op.
Centennial Chieftain Ace
Earn 30,000 or more XP in any number of battles in the Centennial Chieftain.
Rewards:1 Day of Premium + 100,000
T-34-88 Ace
Earn 20,000 or more XP in any number of battles in the T-34-88.
Rewards:1 Day of Premium + 100,000

100 Years Mega Bundle






• Centennial Ace Op
• VI






• T-34-88 Ace Op


20% savings!

Centennial Chieftain Ultimate






• Centennial Ace Op


14% savings!

x3 XP Boost x 5

12% savings!