This is my first article on this website, So I hope I do you good.
Not a whole lot was updated to the WoWS Flag file this patch, only 2 new flags.
Here you can see the entire file of all flags in the game.
The 2 new flags that are being added, the first of which is this “Burning Man” flag:
And what I would assume is a Gamescom 2016 flag:
How one would go about acquiring these flags in-game at the time of posting this article is unknown.
Also, something I find rather funny, russian’s being salty and all, there was an Olympic flag introduced in 5.9, however, due to Russia being partly kicked out of the Olympics (which included 111 of russia’s 387 olympic athletes) due to a state-sponsored doping program, Wargaming being an overall, essentially, a russian company, replaced the Olympic flag with a… boat flag.
Let the sea salt flow.
How terrible! Putin should be grateful that Russia wasn\’t banned entirely from the games. He can call it a Western conspiracy all he wants, but the evidence is crystal clear and he has only himself to blame. Still, at least I got to see my beloved Maria Paseka win silver.
Crystal clear? No court decision…deciding on their own based on the \”evidence\” their own people provide……yeah \”crystal\” clear.
By the way, they have every right to be \”salty\”. Those corrupt assholes didn\’t just ban them but they decided just like that, that all sports events that would be held in Russia in the future will be canceled. If that doesn\’t tell you ANYTHING then you\’re an imbecile.
Stick to video games and leave your personal political opinions out of this. Are you going to copy SilentStalker and Rita on this one as well?
\”Stick to video games and leave your personal political opinions out of this.\”
Exactly. Stuff your russian bias to where the sun doesn\’t shine and learn, that your Lord and master is a piece of shit and your beloved country knee-deep in crime and corruption.
QQ more:
The McLaren report from WADA (World Anti-Doping Agency, and independent agency) exposes beyond a reasonable doubt, a state-run doping program in Russia.
And since the Olympic games is an independent commitee, it can actually do whatever the hell they want without a court ruling. Should a dispute arise, the Court of Arbitration for Sports ( CAS ) is involved. And guess what? They rejected all appeals made by track and field athletes prior to the games !
So how about you look into the matter a bit more deeply than \”My lovely dope-pushing Russia was banned, it must mean that everyone else is super corrupt ! \”, because right now your personal political opinion is getting the better of you, obscuring easily attainable facts you can stumble onto in under 10 seconds with vague Google searches like I did.
I would love to know what country you come from.
Wargaming isnt russian, its originally belarussian. Though now its headquartered on Cyprus now.
The first flag is for Burning Man.
It was mentioned in the patchnotes:
-Gamescom camouflage added
-”Burning Man” flag added
But Wargaming is Belarus
It\’s the worst post on TAP for a long time (which says a lot) anyway with lot\’s of errors so who cares..:D
Never expect the quality to fall to new lows on TAP.
Nevermind that only a part of the Russian team was banned anyway. It\’d be hard for them to win 12 gold, 12 silver and 14 bronce medals if they all had been banned, right?
Never expect the quality to fall to new lows on TAP.
as in:
It\’s falling continuously anyway, so don\’t hold your breath.
Never expected more negative remarks form mister negativity.
But the guys developing wows are in St. Peterbourg, and last time i checked a map, that was still in Russia
Last time I checked, Lesta was situated in Misnk, Belarus. Also, if you check the website, you\’ll notice that they\’ve got offices all over the world.
Balerus is more or less a sattelite of Russia and Stalin-worship was a lot more pronounced there, before it took hold in Russia again. In a certain sense, Belarussia tried to be more russian than Russia was.
And yes, it reflects in the products of WarGaming. Not as much as some belief, but it\’s obvious enough to build a pattern.
Can\’t really deny that, then again, the original comment is more or less just a mock at the author stating \”Wargaming being a russian company\”
That does proof what exactly? In the post it says:
\”Also, something I find rather funny, russian’s being salty and all, there was an Olympic flag introduced in 5.9, however, due to R\”, Wargaming being a russian company, replaced the Olympic flag with a… boat flag.\”
And the last time I watched olympics, I saw a lot of russian athlets, despite \”Russia being kicked out of the Olympics (which included all of russia’s 387 olympic athletes) due to a state-sponsored doping program\”
The guy didn\’t do enough research apparently :^)
My apologies, I have editted the article, hope I fixed the promblems with it m80s.