From Quickybaby’s Gamescom stream.
Also a 100 years of tanks mode was announced. Some shots of a WW1 battlefield and an armored car were present.
From Quickybaby’s Gamescom stream.
Also a 100 years of tanks mode was announced. Some shots of a WW1 battlefield and an armored car were present.
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Why no Strv 103 in med line ;_;
Do you really want a med without a turret and no gun arc? I think it is a good compromise to get an interesting tank into WoT.
Because wargaming balance team tought players wouldnt understand it if it was at the end of the medium line. Absolute BS reason if you ask me.
So are you excited to play your own tanks?
inb4 rita accuses NA of ignoring NDA again
She just cut QB\’s cam and the stream timeline off the picture and put a self titled watermark on it 😀
Ah yes – the Kran – AMX 50B went full assault 😀
Why is the Kransvagn a Medium and why is the Strv 103 a TD?!?!!
Cause WG. This is a prototype I think.
Some tanks present in the game have the wrong class already. For instance, the BDR G1B and B1 should be more medium tanks (they\’re cavalery tanks) than heavy tanks… and the AMX 40 should be a medium tank and not a light one.
So, one more, one less… *shrugs*
You obviously can\’t read, the Kran is a heavy.
The Strv is classified as an MBT irl but WoT doesn\’t have an MBT classification and since it\’s a turretless tank, in the context of WWII it is an assault gun.
I read medium in the first 2/3s and I assumed the Kransvagn was a medium
The Kransvagn is a heavy, the heavies start at tier VIII.
Forgive the old man as he needs his fucking glasses – to read, not to drink 😀
I sae medium and assumed the Kransvagn is a heavy
The tier 8 9 and 10 are heavys. They are really only heavys by a swedish description anyway.
Dropkick that Swedish tree outta the way, I want more news on that armored car.
Puma pls
it\’s ww1 old
Gib this plz
yeah i got more excited for the 100 years of tanks game mode too, because its probably getting in setember better than only next year, and because there probably will be nice missions to par with it.
Its the answer for BF1!!! WG are making their own FPS game!!!
(nah, rly – all are hyped for BF1, WG are cleverly going to exploit that too :))
oh so we will get race car, auto repairing, ms1 tanks in this new game mode if it\’s to be like BF1 =P
russian bias confirmed
Only 2 lines, eh? Wonder if this is the best that they could put together, or only a start, last time I was following the fanmade Swedish trees, there was enough tanks for another TD line, arty, plus a shitload of lights.
Only 2? That seems like plenty for a nation not many people would expect to be in the game.
WHO Swedish tanks so much. MBT as TD, cuz WG, cuz fuck what tank really is !!!!! So WG said they gonna do new hydraulic suspension for STB and STRV, but its too hard….ahaaha.
And tier 8, 9 and 10 are same tanks, with diffrent guns…gg.
Those tank never saw combat, but OK, better then Brummbar, cuz Brummbar was fake…
Will you look at that, a new tree with more than one line to begin with! Wow!
Okay, I am getting excited, this will actually be good!
ok finished looking up what the tanks look like
first off, this is the first medium line i\’ve looked at an gone \”bleh ugly\”
and the first TD line i\’ve gone \”shiney!!!!!!!!\”
so yeah…..out of my way i\’ve got my first ever TD line to play
Hey Sp15 any idea what the Ikv 90 typ B is? I dident see anythibg relating to it by that name so. Possibly a prototype for the turretless Ikv 90 or is it a turreted TD? Any ideas?
its this
Actually any idea what the pvlvv m/43 is, dont get anything with a search on that.
Also if the Sav m/43 gets its 105 gun, say hello to the new king of derp, a smaller faster hetzer >_>
Well at least the new tech tree came out 🙂
Seb being Seb again … 0 shit given to professionalism or quality.
LoL Nice bait 🙂
If anything, that headline is 100% clickbait. There is no leak to be seen here, it\’s from Wargaming themselves ffs.
Then again, since he prides himself in \”leaks\” he\’ll take any, even from WG I suppose *eyesroll*
Wait. Tier 1 – how?
Ok nevermind, 37mm it is then.
FFS why Swedish tanks? They never… *sees Sav M/43* Wait, the tank famous in Saving Private Ryan? Gib now!
I\’d rather see them fix the game at last instead of more content. But oh well, S-tank here I come 😀
Chances are, the guys making the models are not the same guys in charge of making balance changes to the game. Those guys might have done a balancing pass on the Swedish tanks back when they were conceptuialized, but I imagine that work has long sense been completed, small changes are likely to be made as they go into the testing phase, but thats likely nothing more then editing those pre-existing values.