1. Well, one more reason for me to don\’t play tier X tanks… I ever never really liked them 😛

  2. what makes you think it would stop

    WG jsut said they will not be removing this tank. but will be removing the ability to get it. so people with it keep it

    so everyone i going to risk the (frankly pathetic) 3 day ban (yeah. NA only gets 3 day bans. i couldn\’t believe it till they showed me the screenshots!) to get this tank

    If i didn\’t have a big dislike to all things russian right now. then i\’d go for it myself.

    idk what kind of ban you guys get on EU. but on NA, our playerbase is so small (1/10th of yours…or less) that WG can\’t really afford to ban anyone for a long period of time.

    ……unless you play WoWS <.<
    …..the reason listed for the ban is actually quite amusing. the reason for the ban is "a picture of the sunset in arizona"
    i kid you not…..

  3. Everybody wants the tank before it gets nerfed – and it\’s super organized too

  4. That\’s how it was each time I wanted to test the mode. And why it dying. I played it the first week for some of the easier missions for easy credits. Done 8 missions in total, the tank was not worth that much frustration.

  5. really stop complaining about mission rigging… first no one really cares. second it wont change anything… how about we get some actual news.

    1. Tons of people care. Thats why Good players like me will go out of my way to wreck most T22 drivers,

      WG is stupid. ALl they had to do was remove the tank ASAP. As soon as they saw rigging and esp the first month when 0 people could have finished the mission.

      Or they should have let all these assholes get it then remove it.

      Its not just the armor. Its the ROF and LASER GUN. The gun has the best stats in the game. What also sucks is guys who rig often use aimbot and while aimbot is grossly exaggerated for most tanks, it isnt for Rus meds if they dont worry about movement and just sit there. Enter the T22 that sidescrapes.

      Its a cheat mobile

  6. Retarded boring gamemode, OTT missions, unbalanced tank, rigging…. I gave 0 fucks about rampage when it came and I give even less (-420?) now 🙂

    And yes, the title is nice clickbait for stupid people. Ofcourse rigging in rampage is still on, 9.15 patch is coming, people that maybe did lost of missions legitimately are probably rigging the ones they can\’t do.

  7. I have only one word that summs up everything I want to say about this.

    Enough said.

  8. Have to spend more real money on this game. Best game ever! Have to buy the premium account, tanks and premium ammo. WG is the best! WoT is the fairest online game in the world! Hail Russia, hail Putin!!

    Translation: Crap game from an assh0le company!

  9. Have to spend more real money on this game. Best game ever! Have to buy the premium account, tanks and premium ammo. WG is the best! WoT is the fairest online game in the world! Hail Russia, hail Putin!!

    Translation: Crap game from an assh0le company!

  10. Have to spend more real money on this game. Best game ever! Have to buy the premium account, tanks and premium ammo. WG is the best! WoT is the fairest online game in the world! Hail Russia, hail Putin!!

    Translation: Crap game from an assh0le company!

  11. Have to spend more real money on this game. Best game ever! Have to buy the premium account, tanks and premium ammo. WG is the best! WoT is the fairest online game in the world! Hail Russia, hail Putin!!

    Translation: Crap game from an assh0le company!

  12. Have to spend more real money on this game. Best game ever! Have to buy the premium account, tanks and premium ammo. WG is the best! WoT is the fairest online game in the world! Hail Russia, hail Putin!!

    Translation: Crap game from an assh0le company!

    1. Ehm, so? He got the T-22 and rerolled his account. Only Premium tanks remained on it, that\’s why he has only played 2 tanks. Or do you really think he was able to do all the missions with AMX CDC?

      I\’m not saying he 100% didn\’t rig the T-22 but that screenshot proves nothing.

      1. first: you need at least a handfull of tier 10 to be able to do the missions. the rentals are not enough.
        second: you need prem and prem-tanks to compensate for the massive credit-loss you experience in that game-mode.
        third: its not easy to get the war-gay-ming guys to reset your account. and who the hell would reset his acc after he spend hundrets of hours and euros?!?!

        and all that for a tank that gets nerfed to teletubby-level? logic much?

        1. I\’m not saying he\’s 100% innocent, but again, that screenshot proves NOTHING. Give me his Rampage stats where he only played CDC and rentals, then I\’ll say it\’s 100% rigged.
          BTW it probably is rigged since his account is suspended, but that\’s not the point.

          Point is if you see a player with only 2 tanks on his account, one of them is T-22, it doesn\’t mean it is 100% rigged. It\’s very suspicious, it\’s 99% rigged, but not 100%.

          People are weird. There are accounts with only CW rewards tanks, there are arty only accounts, there are sealclubber accounts. People throw away thousands of battles played, hell, tens thousands of battles played away just to get better color in some external metric, and to get more focus.

          So don\’t go at me with logic, because I don\’t understand why people do certain things often in WoT. But they do a lot of stupid shit. Rerolling an account after getting T-22 would not surprise me.

  13. First and foremost, wargaming never has cared about cheating or fair gameplay. Unless it hurts their profit, they just don\’t care. Look at the recent anniversary debacle. But every T22 I see is my top target now. Odds are good that\’s one more cheater I can take out. Opposed to warpack users which I can\’t differentiate between just good players. The sooner people realize that they are customers, and that they will only listen if profit margins drop, the better the game will be.

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