Thanks to Babykim, EU
By the way, my congratulations go to Carnotzet for finally becoming a community contributor!
Here is a transcript and a summary of a video by getfun, who visited the studio and had a discussion with game developers.
Optimization. Small patches should be implemented more frequently, ideally every 3 to 4 weeks, whereas micropatches should be kept at a minimum. Higher frequency of patches should cut the reaction time to user feedback and improve the overall quality. Starting from about the version 0.5.6 all micropatches of the client that switch on or off special content (e.g. events) will be implemented on the server, i.e. without the need to patch the client.
Both the client and servers are being cleaned up to consolidate unnecessary files and improve optimization. This is why armor layouts of the ships became unavailable. However, very soon we will be able to view the layout of each ship in the client.
Optimization/weather. The new weather should not impair the frame rate. The resources needed to implement rain are comparable to those required to implement a single battleship salvo. They continue working on the optimization.