Harkonnen, Over and Out

Hello boys and girls,

It’s with great sadness that I’m writing this post, I did thought about doing this or not for the last few weeks and came to a decision. Unfortunately I will be leaving the Armored Patrol team and won’t be posting in the blog.

My decision didn’t come lightly but a mixture of real life problems and some other things forced me to make this decision. No, I’m not upset with Seb or did we get in any kind of argument. We do have different views on the blog and how to post stuff for you guys but that was a good thing, you could get two different points of view and styles in one blog.

The main reason I’m leaving it’s because I’m going to be a father for the first time in 3 months and life itself has been taking it’s toll on me. I don’t have the same spare time I used to have, resulting in me posting less and having less time to research and create material for you to read. Also the World of Tanks clan I’ve been in for the last 5 years, is active again and the new campaign is coming up and I’ve been spending a lot of time training with them, so we can win the new tank. I won’t stop writing articles for good, I still have my Facebook page and will create a personal blog just for these articles that I will write from time to time. I want to have more of a personal blog, where I can write what I want, about  I want and when I want, without the compromise of having to create content regularly. So if you want to keep up to date with what I’ve been doing, do feel free to visit.

Seb, thank you for the opportunity and for taking me in your team. I have learned a lot in these few months I have spent with The Armored Patrol, thank you for your support with the articles, mainly correcting my spelling mistakes, I’m sure you will find some on this one too. (Seb: indeed) And thank you for allowing me to publish articles like the World of Aimbot, that have made some impact at Wargaming and made them actually do something about it.

To all the readers, thank you for your support and comments on my articles. Without you I wouldn’t have achieved what I did, I hope I can still bring some stuff out once in a while and that you all be there to read it and give me your feedback.

And don’t forget, Have no Fear, Harkonnen is Here.