New pictures of upcoming WoT garages

I will try to guess some of them – scarce info is known on when they will appear:

Some kind of ESL event – the Grand Finale:

9th May – The Victory Day and the EU anniversary (Guys, remember to watch the Russian tank parade on that day – it is truly cool). It has lots of rubble, I guess it can be implemented in WoT as a standalone map 🙂 That Soviet flag surely stands out a little:

1st May: I love that day. And this year, it’s on a Friday! Extended weekend FTW!

April 26th, three years of gaming on the ASIA server I believe:

Reminds me a bit of the last year, since the pavement looks the same…

12th of April: I believe this is the WoT anniversary:

That’s all for now. Stay tuned!