Supertest: TS-5

Today, a Premium Tier VIII US tank destroyer makes its debut in closed testing.

This is a well-protected machine designed for close quarters combat. And we mean it, it’s very, very well-protected—the frontal armor of the hull hits 260 millimeters! The weapon is fast-firing and hard-hitting—the DPM is more than 2800 hit points, with single-shot damage of 400 HP and basic shell penetration of 248 mm. As for the mobility, it’s the norm for a heavy machine with a max speed of 26 km/h.

The precision and speed of the shells do limit the effectiveness of the TS-5 over long distances, but it’s not terrible and, if needed, this American can get up close to deal with opponents. After all, this is a hard-shelled tank destroyer, which will feel right at home in defending a line of attack during the battle. It can also help bring out those “entrenched” enemies from their safe positions. Moreover, it can shake off shells from higher tiered opponents when played effectively, especially if you can hide the lower frontal plate, which is its biggest weak spot.

In summary, the TS-5 is a hard-shelled, but a slightly sluggish armored vehicle with a quick-firing, hard-hitting armament perfect for getting up close and brawling.

As always, depending on the test results, the characteristics may change. Follow the news and good luck in your battles!