WoT RU: TNH T Klevets In-Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

TNH T Klevets [Czechoslovakia, Tier-9, TD, promotional]

detailed stats on tanks.gg

In the early 1950s, Czechoslovakia began designing its own heavy tanks. One of the projects in an advanced stage of development was the Vz. 55 tank. It was chosen as the base chassis for a new heavy self-propelled gun (SPG). The plan was to mount two artillery systems of the same caliber on a single chassis. For the anti-tank SPG, a powerful 152 mm gun was designed based on an anti-aircraft cannon. The second variant was an assault SPG with howitzer armament.

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WoT Supertest: Gryphon Detailed Stats

Gryphon (Great Britain, Tier-10, HT, promotional, mechanics: 2-round magazine with reverse reloading)
The vehicle has mechanics: a magazine with reverse reloading. If you forgot what it is, let us remind you:
The shell that is loaded first will have the fastest reload, and the following ones will take longer to load. For maximum DPM, first shoot the entire loaded magazine, and then you need to shoot only the first loaded shell.

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WOT Express: Statistics of Tier 10 Tanks Without 3D Styles

Just like 2 years ago, the situation with 3D styles for Tier 10 tanks remains ambiguous. Not a single reward tank from personal missions has received a 3D style [and that’s the most disappointing part]. The art department hasn’t managed to establish a practice or even do it once so that a researchable Tier 10 tank has its own style right at release!

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