WoT Supertest: Gabler’s Destroyer Detailed Stats

Gabler’s Destroyer (Great Britain, Tier-5, LT, promotional, mechanics: 3-shell drum) was released on September 20 for testing
The tank is tracked, although it has full wheels.

• Average damage: 75/75/100
• Average armor penetration with AP projectile: 90 mm
• Average armor penetration with APCR projectile: 120 mm
• Average armor penetration with HE shell: 30 mm
• Reload time of the entire magazine: 10.55 sec

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WoT RU: More About Heavy Flamethrower Mechanics

We’ll tell you about them in a few words:

 the new tanks will be equipped with guns with an automatic firing mode;
 flamethrowers have a unique temperature mechanics (the higher the temperature, the lower the effectiveness of the gun),
 the vehicles use two types of fire mixture – for 100 and 200 meters,
there are no stunning mechanics.

Watch the new video to learn more about the key features of the new vehicles:

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WOT Express: Staged (Multi-Level) Loot Boxes Will be Everywhere in 2025

After the most record profit in the winter on the “Lesta” server, and then the launch as a test in the CN region in August 2024, the final decision was made to launch these loot boxes in all WoT regions in 2025. And over time, almost completely switch to this type of loot boxes.

The launch in China went very well and there was almost no negativity from players.

If you don’t understand what we’re talking about, see the basics here:

In 2025, we expect 2 launches with staged (rare) lootboxes:
• Q2
• Q3/4*

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