WoT: FV226 Contradictious Detailed Stats & Historical Reference

FV226 Contradictious (Great Britain, Tier-8, HT, premium, new mechanics: choice of firing mode) was released on September 19 for testing at the WoT supertest. The performance characteristics shown are current in the release version of the game 1.26.1.
The vehicle has a new mechanic: choosing a shooting mode.
— Compared to other double-barrel tanks, here a salvo shot is made only after changing the fire mode by pressing the X button.

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WoT Supertest: Kpz. 3 GST Turm Detailed Stats

Kpz. 3 GST Turm (Germany, Tier-8, TD, premium) was released on October 18 for testing at the WoT supertest. The tank is already in WoT Console. Only there it is at Tier 10. What it will cost is still unknown.
Average damage: 400/400/515
Average armor penetration (mm): 244/300/60
Rate of fire (rounds/min): 6.06
Loading of the gun (sec): 9.9

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WoT Supertest: Kpz. 3 GST Turm In- Game Screenshots & Historical Reference

Kpz. 3 GST Turm (Germany, Tier-8, TD, premium)

Historical Reference:

The Kpz. 3 GST project had two variants. The first one looked like a classic tank destroyer. The second, the Kpz. 3 GST Turm, had a turret with limited traverse where the whole crew was located. Both variants had a magazine reloading system in the center of the hull, as well as hydropneumatic suspension similar to that of the Kpz. 70.

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