Operation Priority 2020 Update – Complete Resource on the Renault FT

Operation Priority is a series of books that document the history, strategy, and technical aspects of the Renault FT. The goal of Operation Priority is to document Renault FT variants and their true historical significance. All variants are planned to be recovered, and no Renault FT shall be left behind. The series goes over the history of conflict in the early twentieth century based on the technological development of the Renault FT. All Renault FT variants tell a story and are intertwined with history whether it be in the nations they operated with or the ideas the tank pioneered.

The site has seen plenty of upgrades over the past 3 years, including a section of colorized pictures of the FT variants. Also, all the FT variants in the world are now covered. Check it out here:

Operation Priority website

Renault FT Variants (Main Book)

Colorized Renault FT Pictures

The site also includes new detailed PDF’s, on ammunition, camouflage, service, logistics and so on. Here’s a small sneak peek:

The book gets updated when new information gets added and any help from the community is appreciated.