German Armored Car Proposal

Note: this is a long old article I had saved for days without news; I got busy and forgot about it. Better late than never, I guess.

Written by VeroxGaming (around 2.5 years ago)

Hello TAP! Today I‘ll present you my German armored car proposal. With WG promising us to add wheeled vehicles into the game, it‘s about time to start talking about potential vehicles that would make it into the game, so I’ve made my own wheeled vehicle line, that starts at tier 1 and ends up with tier 10. The line starts at tier 1 as, to my mind, the whole concept of wheeled vehicles is unique and deserves an unique placement in the tech tree. Tiers 1-3 will contain cars equipped with devastating autocannons, able to decimate any foe in their way, the only problem will be the penetration. From tier 4 onwards the playstyle will change: cars will start to receive great shell penetration values with great gun handling, effectively making them fast sniper cars.

The line consists of 10 vehicles, going from tier 1 onwards, with 2 premium cars (that‘s a new one) at tier 6 and 8, respectively. Each vehicle has its own playstyle to which the player will have to adapt, as the mobility / armament statistics differ with each tier.

The vehicle statistics are as historical as possible, while also not breaking the balance of the game or making the vehicle underperform.

Tier 1:
Sonderkraftfahrzeug 221 (Sd. Kfz 221):

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Historical information:

Sd.Kfz.221 was developed in 1934 as a light armored car for reconnaissance duties. The car’s only armament was a 7.92mm MG 34 machine gun. A small number were additionally equipped with the 7.92mm PzB 39 anti-tank rifles. 339 were produced in two series by Eisenwerk Weserhuette AG from 1935 to May of 1940. The car was eventually replaced by the Sd. Kfz. 222.

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