Possible Parity Changes Coming in The Near Future? – Speculation

Another article written by Notlistening for TAP. Do you want him to become an author? Vote here and decide his fate: https://www.strawpoll.me/21084905

People that play or follow World of Tanks Blitz, the cross-platform counterpart, or are just really good at staying in the loop may have noticed the developers of World of Tanks Blitz adding Swedish heavy tanks into WoTB. This could very well be an attempt at closing the parity gap between the two games. But if that is the case, WoT has some work to do in that department too. The main thing that sticks out at me is the branch of Japanese tank destroyers that arrived several patches ago inside WoTB. When they get added they would obviously, or at least, in my opinion, adjust these vehicles to suit the PC meta better.

The Japanese tank destroyer branch in WoTB branches off of the Chi-To, the chassis is on a higher tier tank, the Chi-To SPG. Now when it comes to adding this to the game, the developers have a surplus of options for how they can do this. They could, for instance, use the Ha-Go chassis, move it up a tier and make the Ho-Ru. They can also do the same and make the Ho-Ni out of the Chi-Ha, the Ku-Se out of the Ke-Ho, but things aren’t so straightforward at tier VI. There is no tier V Japanese tank that has historically been made into a tank destroyer. But we are talking about WoT, so that gives them more possibilities, not less. They could move everything up just by dividing the Ho-Ni into up to three different tanks, they could just as easily add the Na-To, or they can choose something they do often as it is, and just make up a tank that seems like a logical stopgap.

In WoTB, the Chi-To SPG is similar to the JagdPanther, it is a very mobile tank with a good gun, and great gun depression. Its 10.5cm gun has a 7.29 second reload with 310 average damage and 215 standard armor penetration. It has a top speed of 45 km/h, and more than enough engine power and terrain resistance to reach it. It has 150mm of frontal armor, the same as the CS-44’s turret, but it is less angled, that should give you an idea what the armor on this tank is like.

Chi-To SPG as seen in WoTB

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