Storm Q&A – 6 Nov 2015


– T92 Light Tank might come as an premium, but there is no certainty about it at the moment.

– No comment on introducing 75mm ARES high velocity gun.

– In regards to 10.0 cancellation/renaming to 9.12 news, the, “under the hood”, technical changes are still happening in 9.12.

Lots of players are complaining about removal of Province (RIP camp fest 2010-2015)

– Since the introduction of Mittengard the rate of new player retention has risen by a few percent. Even though the map is undoubtedly bad.

– Province was removed because of bad gameplay for newbies. Also battle duration was higher than on other maps due to players sitting in opposite corners.

– Mittengard will be made available for experienced players, no exact date.

– Province will not return. (Seb: MY FAVORITE MAP)

Q: Maybe we the Chieftain can replace FV4202? It’s been cancelled for HT line no? Why add Action X, it’s just another STB-1, Leo, AMX-30 clone?

A: We have other plans for the Chieftain.