The style is neither good nor bad, just so-so. But knowing what was coming, they took the precaution of deactivating the commentary on: “WoT: About the SFAC 105 and DBV-152”…
So-so? Compared to the fucking menagerie of color vomit 2D styles we get every event a camouflage pattern is refreshing as fuck and actually usable. Word of advice, if you dislike military themes in a tank game, play something else.
The style is neither good nor bad, just so-so. But knowing what was coming, they took the precaution of deactivating the commentary on: “WoT: About the SFAC 105 and DBV-152”…
So-so? Compared to the fucking menagerie of color vomit 2D styles we get every event a camouflage pattern is refreshing as fuck and actually usable. Word of advice, if you dislike military themes in a tank game, play something else.