What To Do After A Conviction (P)

gavel on table


Normally, you have the option to expunge your records after being convicted. But before you call an Indianapolis expungement lawyer, you may have to appeal the conviction first to reduce the sentence or challenge the conviction.

The appeal process is not a repeat of the court case or a separate trial. Rather, it is a hearing set in a higher court to determine if any errors in the previous trial could have affected the outcome. Usually an appeal must be done within a few weeks to months of the conviction.

Post-conviction relief

After the appeal has been started, if the court finds that there were indeed errors, you can seek post-conviction relief. The purpose of this relief is to correct legal errors or set the judgment aside completely. Some factors that may lead to this relief include fresh evidence, ineffective counsel, and substantive changes.


The process of expungement is basically cleaning your criminal record. Some states allow you to seal the records after completing your sentence. The purpose of this is to give convicts a second chance to find good jobs and homes. Several factors would determine if your record can be expunged, such as the nature of the crime and the law. This is why celebrities have sealed their criminal records, which happened before they were famous.

Early release

Depending on the nature of the crime, you may be able to seek early release or parole, as it is called. Despite being released early, you may still be required to carry out community service or spend the rest of your sentence on house arrest. You may also be required to report to specific programs such as rehab or therapy.


In some cases, the court may sentence a person to rehab for a specific period. This judgment is often necessary when there’s a serious issue such as a drug addiction, alcohol addiction, or anger management issues. It helps prevent reoffending but may only apply to a specific type of offender.

Celebrities, such as Charlie Sheen, have been sent to rehab because of their drug issues and as a result of a plea bargain. Since this program is voluntary, many people tend to abandon the program halfway. A court order ensures that they attend and finish every treatment plan.

A conviction is not the end of your life. You can still pick the pieces either by appealing the conviction if you are innocent, or serving the sentence and expunging the record. For lesser crimes, you may be required to go to rehab. During this time, ensure that you speak with your lawyer and follow their guidance. In no time, you’ll be back on your feet and chasing your dreams again.

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